NOTE: BEFORE TURNING THIS IN, REMOVE THE HIGHLIGHTED TEXT. Task 1. Complete the BIA table below and use it for the remainder of the assignment. You may want to review your Lab #07 assignment where you developed a BIA table. Information needed to create the Business Functions and Processes below are in the “Project Management Plan” scenario and the “Project Health Network Visual”. Hint: look at the processes that go from the customers and into the systems/applications in the “Project Health Network Visual”.     Business Function or Process Business Impact Factor Recovery Time Objective  IT Systems/Apps Infrastructure Impacts                          Task 1: Business Impact Analysis – extracts from the Boiler Plate 1. Overview This Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is developed as part of the contingency planning process for the HNetExchange Message system, HNetConnect Directory system and HNetPay Payment system. It was prepared for Health Network, Inc (Health Network). 2. System Description 3.1.1 Identify Outage Impacts and Estimated Downtime  Estimated Downtime  The table below identifies the MTD, RTO, and RPO for the organizational business processes that rely on the HNetExchange Message system, HNetConnect Directory system and HNetPay Payment system.     Mission/Business Process For HNetExchange MTD RTO RPO         Mission/Business Process For HNetConnect MTD RTO RPO         Mission/Business Process For HNetPay MTD RTO RPO     Task 2: Business Continuity Plan – extracts from the Boiler Plate Emergency management standards Data backup policy Full and incremental backups preserve corporate information assets and should be performed on a regular basis for audit logs and files that are irreplaceable, have a high replacement cost, or are considered critical. Backup media should be stored in a secure, geographically separate location from the original and isolated from environmental hazards. Department-specific data and document retention policies specify what records must be retained and for how long. All organizations are accountable for carrying out the provisions of the instruction for records in their organization. IT follows these standards for its data backup and archiving: Tape retention policy Backup media is stored at locations that are secure, isolated from environmental hazards, and geographically separate from the location housing the system. Billing tapes · Tapes greater than three years old are destroyed every six months. · Tapes less than three years old must be stored locally off-site. · The system supervisor is responsible for the transition cycle of tapes. System image tapes · A copy of the most current image files must be made at least once per week. · This backup must be stored offsite. · The system supervisor is responsible for this activity. Off-site storage procedures · Tapes and disks, and other suitable media are stored in environmentally secure facilities. · Tape or disk rotation occurs on a regular schedule coordinated with the storage vendor. Access to backup databases and other data is tested annually    Task 3: Disaster Recovery Plan – extracts from the Boiler Plate Disaster Recovery Plan for     OVERVIEW   PRODUCTION   SERVER Location: Enter location   IT   INFRASTRUCTURE Provide details on what systems, applications, databases and   equipment are involved.     BACKUP STRATEGY FOR SYSTEM   ONE   Daily / Monthly / Quarterly Choose which strategy on the left is use.     DISASTER RECOVERY PROCEDURE   Risk   #1: Loss of company data due to HNetPay hardware removed from production systems. Provide details    Risk   #2: Loss of customers due to production outages. Provide details    Disaster Recovery Plan for     OVERVIEW   PRODUCTION   SERVER Location: Enter   location   IT INFRASTRUCTURE Provide details on what systems, applications, databases and   equipment are involved.     BACKUP STRATEGY FOR SYSTEM   ONE   Daily / Monthly / Quarterly Choose which strategy on the left is use.     DISASTER RECOVERY PROCEDURE   Risk   #1: Loss of company data due to HNetConnect hardware removed from production systems. Provide details    Risk   #2: Loss of customers due to production outages. Provide details    Disaster Recovery Plan for     OVERVIEW   PRODUCTION   SERVER Location: Enter   location   IT INFRASTRUCTURE Provide details on what systems, applications, databases and   equipment are involved.     BACKUP STRATEGY FOR SYSTEM   ONE   Daily / Monthly / Quarterly Choose which strategy on the left is use.     SYSTEM DISASTER   RECOVERY PROCEDURE   Risk   #1: Loss of company data due to HNetExchange hardware removed from production systems. Provide details    Risk   #2: Loss of customers due to production outages. Provide details    Task 4: Computer Incident Response Team Plan – extracts from the Boiler Plate Appendix A – Incident Response Worksheet Preparation:  What tools, applications, laptops, and communication devices were needed to address the Computer Incident Response for this specific breach? Identification: When an incident is reported, it must be identified, classified, and documented. During this step, the following information is needed:  · Identify the nature of the incident o What Business Process was impacted o What threat was identified o What weakness was identified o What risk was identified o What was the Risk Factor/Impact of the incident o What was the RTO, MTD and RPO assigned to the business process o What hardware, software, database and other resource were impacted Containment: The immediate objective is to limit the scope and magnitude of the computer/security-related incident as quickly as possible, rather than allow the incident to continue to gain evidence for identifying and/or prosecuting the perpetrator. · What needs to be done to limit the scope of the incident Eradication: The next priority is to remove the computer/security-related incident or breach’s effects.  · What needs to be done to mitigate the risk of the incident Recovery: Recovery is specific to bringing back into production those IT systems, applications, and assets that were affected by the security-related incident.  · What needs to be done to recover the IT systems o What procedures need to be used and are they covered in the Disaster Recovery Plan o Would the Business Continuity Plan be executed in response to this incident o Would any issues be identified that would lead to updates to the BIA, BCP or DR plans.