Part One: Define Scope and produce a Scope Management Plan Define the scope of the project and detail how the scope will be managed. You should also restate the MOV you determined in Assessment 2. Your scope should align with your MOV. Part Two:  Using MS Project, Provide a list of Resources Identify and detail the resources for the project using MS Project where appropriate, including: People (and their roles), plus any extra personnel that is required for the project. Technology – any hardware, network and software needs to support the team and your client. Facilities – where will most of the teamwork be situated? Other – for example, travel, training etc.    Using MS Project, develop a schedule using a high-level Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).  It should include: Milestones for each phase and deliverable This will tell everyone associated with the project that the phase or deliverable was completed satisfactorily. Activities / Tasks Define a set of activities / tasks that must be completed to produce each deliverable. Resource Assignments Assign people and resources to each individual activity. Estimates for Each Activity / Task Develop a time estimate for each task or activity to be completed.   Include a high-level snapshot and description in your charter. YOU MUST ALSO SUBMIT AN MS Project or Project Libre file along with your Charter Part Three:  Project Risk Analysis and Plan Document any assumptions you have made about the project Identify at least five potential risks to the project using suitable methodologies. Analyse the identified risks. Develop a risk register, prioritise each risk, provide a mitigation strategy and assign each risk to an appropriate team member. Part Four:  Quality Management Plan.   Develop 3 – 5 quality standards based upon your analysis of the project’s stakeholder requirements. Part Five: List and justify the monitoring and controlling tools and activities you will implement to determine the project’s progress and success. Part Six:  Develop a closure checklist that the project team will use to ensure that the project has been closed properly. Rationale back to top This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: be able to identify and reflect on the key elements of the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) framework, including project stakeholders, communication management, the project management knowledge areas, common tools and techniques, and project success factors. be able to critically evaluate how a practising ICT project manager applies ICT project management techniques, skills, methods and software tools in the IT profession. be able to apply and analyse established ICT project management principles, skills and techniques to a case study. Marking criteria and standards back to top Criterion High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Produces a Scope Management Plan (SCM).  (15 Marks) Scope of the project is clearly defined and scope management well detailed. Scope is well aligned with stated MOV. Consistent application of industry standard language and formatting. Scope of the project is clearly defined and scope management detailed. Scope is well aligned with stated MOV. Well written with some demonstration of industry standard language and formatting.  Scope of the project is defined and scope management provided. Scope is aligned with stated MOV. Well written with demonstration of academic standard language and formatting.  Scope of the project and scope management provided, but lacking some key details. Scope is loosely aligned with stated MOV. Well written but lacks acceptable formatting. Scope of the project and scope management provided, but lacking significant key details. Scope is not aligned with stated MOV OR Scope / scope plan and MOV are not provided. Writing is not of an acceptable standard. Utilising MS Project, evidences the processes involved with a WBS, including phases, milestones, deliverables, tasks, resources and budget.  (20 Marks) Demonstrates high level project management skills, integrating and applying project management tools in meaningful and purposeful ways towards completion of WBS design, correctly and comprehensively addressing all project requirements. Demonstrates competent management skills, applying project management tools in meaningful and purposeful ways towards completion of the WBS design, correctly addresses the all project requirements.   Demonstrates essential management skills, applying project management tools in meaningful and purposeful ways towards completion of the WBS design. Essential project requirements addressed. . Demonstrates minimal management skills and needs some improvement in applying project management tools in meaningful and purposeful ways towards completion of WBS. Not all project requirements are clearly addressed.  The WBS design fails to correctly address one or more essential project requirements.  Provides a project risk analysis and risk register including mitigation strategies.  (15 Marks) All steps in project risk analysis and mitigation strategies are comprehensively discussed. Risk register presented in the context of the project, with evidence of thorough consideration of the project scenario. All steps in project risk analysis and mitigation strategies are clearly discussed.  Risk register presented in the context of the project, with reference to project scenario. Evidence that key steps in project risk analysis and mitigation strategies are discussed. Risk register presented in the context of the project, with some linkages back to the project scenario.  Key steps in project risk analysis and mitigation strategies are accurately presented. Minimal reference to the project scenario in analysis and risk register. One or more key steps in project risk analysis and mitigation strategies are not presented. Risk register does not reference the project scenario or lacks key information.  Produces a quality management plan which includes quality standards based on the analysis of stakeholder requirements.  (15 Marks) Five or more quality standards correctly identified and appropriately contextualised for the project scenario.  Four or more quality standards are correctly identified and are applied to the project scenario with some contextualisation.  Three (3) or more quality standards are correctly identified and are applied to the project scenario.  Three (3) or more quality standards identified and loosely applied to the project scenario.  Multiple project steps are missing or not applied to the selected project.  Justifies the monitoring and controlling tools and activities that will implemented to determine the project’s progress and success. (15 marks) Explains and critically evaluates the selection of monitoring and controlling tools and activities and their suitability for the scenario project. Explains and analyses the selection of monitoring and controlling tools and activities and their suitability for the scenario project. Explains and examines the selection of monitoring and controlling tools and activities and their suitability for the scenario project. Explains and discusses the selection of monitoring and controlling tools and activities and their suitability for the scenario project. An extremely basic explanation of monitoring and controlling tools and activities.  Does not relate this to the scenario project. A closure checklist is produced.  (10 marks) The closure checklist is comprehensively detailed. Captures all key details and is well explained. The closure checklist is detailed. Captures all key details. The closure checklist is appropriate to close the project. Captures most key details. The closure checklist is appropriate to close the project. Some key details missing.   The closure checklist has not been adequately considered.  Referencing of sources (APA 6th ed citation) to reinforce findings.  (10 marks) All written evidence is professionally communicated using correct referencing. All written information is good with appropriate referencing   All written information is generally well organised but more clarity of communication is required in terms of referencing. All written content is loosely connected, and there is ineffective use of referencing.   No apparent logical order of written content, and there is a lack of referencing. Presentation back to top Assessment tasks should be submitted on Turnitin as a Microsoft Word document. Do not submit as a PDF document. The first page should contain your name, student number, subject code and due date. Please use 12 point font. Use a report format layout. Proof-read your work so that it is free of spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. Use language that is appropriate to academic and professional tasks. Ensure you use respectful and appropriate terminology. For assistance, see Learning Skills: Your reference list should contain all source documents that you refer to, quote or paraphrase from. It must conform to the APA referencing style: You must also submit your MS project or Project Libre file.   If you zip files, please ensure all files, including any folders use your surname and first initial Requirements back to top APA 6th referencing style must be used. Refer to;  and for guidance