Legal functions are the most important area of IG impact.  Under the FRCP amendments, corporations must proactively manage the e-discovery process to avoid what?A.a loss of public trustB.unfavorable rulingsC.Sanctions, D.All of the above 8 points    QUESTION 2 The implementation of an LHN program attacks some of the low-hanging fruit within an or an organization’s overall IG position. This part of the e-discovery life-cycle must not be outsourced.  Why is this the case?A.Retained counsel does not provide input or the mechanics of the LHN don’t need to manage and owned by the internal corporate resources B.Retained counsel provides input, but the mechanics of the LHN must be managed and owned by the internal corporate resources C.No internal ownership is required by the counsel’s engagement in this situation D.Both A and C 8 points    QUESTION 3 The ………………………….is a visual planning tool created by to assist in identifying and clarifying the stages of the e-discovery process?A.Guidelines for E-Discovery Planning B.E-Discovery Reference Model C.Information Management Protocol D.None of the above 8 points    QUESTION 4 According to recent surveys regarding Big Data and its impacts, approximately 25………………. percent of information stored in organizations has real business value, while 5……………. percent must be kept as business records and about 1…………… percent is retained due to a litigation hold.A.      1, 5, 25 B.        25, 5, 1 C.None of the above D.           25, 5, 2 8 points    QUESTION 5 What is ISO 38500? ……………………………………. that provides high-level principles and guidance for senior decision-makers A.A.  International Metric B.European and American Standard Procedure C.International standardD.International Organization Law 8 points    QUESTION 6 Principles of IG are on the evolutionary edge, and therefore, most successful IG programs have been characterized by ten key principles which have become the ………………………………………and should be designed into the IG approach.A.Basic foundation B.Both A and B C.basis for best practices D.Design 8 points    QUESTION 7 Principles of IG are on the evolutionary edge, and therefore, most successful IG programs have been characterized by …………………………… key principles which have become the basis for best practices and should be designed into the IG approach. A.None of the aboveB.TenC.FiveD.Eleven 8 points    QUESTION 8 What is the ITIL?A.A set of process-oriented best practices B.A group of metrics that govern the program C.Focuses on value deliveryD.All of the above.  8 points    QUESTION 9 The principles of successful IG programs are emerging, and they include executive sponsorship, and………………, ………………, ………………, ……………, ……………, …………, …………, ………………, and ……………?A.Information classification, integrity, security, accessibility, control, monitoring, auditing, policy development, and continuous improvement B.A and BC.Information classification, integrity, security, accessibility, control, monitoring, auditing, policy development, and continuous metrics D.Information classification, integrity, security, personally identifiable information, control, monitoring, auditing, policy development, and continuous improvement 8 points    QUESTION 10 Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles are sometimes known as the ………………………..?A.The ARMA Principles B.The IG Principles C.None of the above D.The GAR Principles 8 points    QUESTION 11 Risk Profile creation is a basic building block in the Enterprise Risk Management to assist executives to understand the risks associated with?A.Stated Business Objectives B.Both A, B, and C C.Stated Business Goals D.Stated Business Agreements 8 points    QUESTION 12 According to the best business practices associated with and approved by IG Subject Matter experts, there are three (3) key Event-Based prerequisites that must be completed before an event-based disposition can be implemented.  These prerequisites are?A.None of the above B.The ERM Systems must have complete retention and disposition capabilities, A clear start date is a required, Clarify trigger events C.Clarify trigger events, an aautomated capture of agreed-on trigger events must be performed and sent to the ERM, The ERM Systems must have complete retention and disposition capabilities D.A clear start date is a required, Retention periods must be segmented into active and inactive, Clarify trigger events 8 points    QUESTION 13 Which one of the following is TRUE about the IG Reference Model?A.Linking duty + policy integration = efficient, effective managementB.Linking duty + value to information asset = efficient, effective management C.Linking duty + value to information asset = Unified governance, effective management D.All of the above 8 points    QUESTION 14 ……….is a process-based IT governance framework that represents a consensus of experts worldwide. A.All of the aboveB.CobiTC.CobiTLD.CobiTX 8 points    QUESTION 15 IG is sort of a super discipline that encompasses a variety of key concepts from a variety of ………………………………? A.All of the above.B.Never overlapping disciplinesC.Isolated discipline but comprehensiveD.Related and overlapping disciplines 8 points    QUESTION 16 Predictive coding software leverages ……………………….. when experts review a subset of documents to teach the software what to look for, so it can apply this logic to the full set of …………………….?A.Human analysis, pagesB.Pattern search, intelligenceC.Human analysis, documentsD.Human Intelligence, documents 8 points    QUESTION 17 TRUE or FALSE: Unknown or useless data, such as old log files that take up space and continues to grow and requires regular clean-up is sometimes known as dark data  True False 8 points    QUESTION 18 TRUE or FALSE: Clean, build and maintain, Survey and monetize are the 3 phases in the Yard’s rebirth. True False 8 points    QUESTION 19 TRUE or FALSE: Clean, build and maintain, and monetize are the 3 phases in the Yard’s rebirth True False 8 points    QUESTION 20 TRUE or FALSE: Good data governance ensures that downstream negative effects of poor data are avoided and that subsequent reports, analyses, and conclusions are based on reliable, and trusted data. True False 8 points    QUESTION 21 TRUE or FALSE: According to the Intersection of IG and E-Discovery, the Legal Hold Process is NOT a foundational element of Information Governance (IG). True False 8 points    QUESTION 22 Creating a …………………… is a basic building block in an ………………… that assists business executives understand the risks associated with stated business objectives.A.Risk profile, Enterprise Risk Management B.All of the above C.ISO 9000, Heatmap D.Risk Profile, Framework 8 points    QUESTION 23 What’s the fundamental function of the GAR Principle? A.Foster awareness of good record-keeping practices, and provides associated metrics to provide an IG framework to support continuous improvement B.To deploy Gastric Analysis Revenue C.Generally Accepted Recordkeeping principles is used to measure program profits D.None of the above 8 points    QUESTION 24 One of the ten IG principles is a Continuous improvement. What is the importance of this principle to the organization program? A.Ensure guidelines and policies are being followed to measure employee compliance B.None of the aboveC.Document management and report management software must be deployed for control D.Provide periodic program review and necessary adjustment against gaps and or shortcomings 8 points    QUESTION 25 From our Chapter 9; – Records Management (RM) is a key impact area of IG – so much that in the RM space, IG is often thought of as synonymous with or a single superset of RM.  From that perspective, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defined business records as……………………………………….?A.Both A and BB.A. information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction in the form of Files C.A A.information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations D.A.   information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction in the form of records 8 points    Click Save and Submit to save and submit. 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