Discussion Conflict with Teams Part 1: Conflict within Teams Think of a conflict that occurred in a team you were a part of and analyze it. What were the main sources of the conflict? What interventions can be used to improve the quality of conflict a team? Part 2: Creativity in Teams Evaluate yourself using the three indices of creativity. What strategies can you use to enhance your creativity? Specific Instructions: Read and respond to at least 3 of your classmates’ posts. See discussion/posting requirements. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and any additional sources. Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. Respond to at least 3 of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways: • Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research. • Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives. • Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Campbellsville University Library • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research. • Make suggestions based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings. • Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence. Response-1(Gopi Krishna)   Part 1: Conflict within Teams Think of a conflict that occurred in a team you were a part of and analyze it. What were the main sources of the conflict? What interventions can be used to improve the quality of conflict a team? I worked as a team for a college project. One of the team member X used to come for discussion. After the main discussion, he would ask for his tasks and go back to his dorm. His communication used to be less frequent than others. Others had to ping him for queries. This led to misunderstanding among team members. But, he was prompt in delivering his tasks before deadlines. Another team member was furious with the former (X) for not participating, as the second one experienced similar issues with him during a previous project. Then I enquired him and he said this is how he(X) used to do his work always. Then one of my friends told me that the person X is a nice guy actually who does his work perfectly on time. It is just that he prefers to work alone and according to his convenience. Sources of conflict Task interdependence- In a team work, it is quite common to have tasks dependent on other tasks. Biases due to past experiences Communication issues- the person does not communicate frequently about the status of his task. Personality differences – the person prefers to work alone Conflict interventions Awareness about the situation Set expectations from team members Clear roles and responsibilities Establish processes and systems Dealing with the individuals who cause conflict directly and helping them Part 2: Creativity in Team Evaluate yourself using the three indices of creativity. What strategies can you use to enhance your creativity? Three indices of creativity Fluency –ability to generate many ideas – I believe I am good at this. I can generate many ideas and even if get stuck I get a whole lot of new ideas when I brainstorm with others Flexibility- Changing the approach – I am not much flexible especially in the short run. I tend to take the time to change perspectives and in turn ideas according to the situation. Originality of ideas –unique and new ideas- I am also good at this. I can offer an innovative non-stereotypical approach to solving problems What strategies can you use to enhance your creativity? Structured approach like using fish bone diagrams helps us to find what we have missed Studying subjects apart from the core issues/problems helps us to find new ideas. All ideas start from pre-existing ideas. The more we broaden our knowledge the more we get expose to numerous ideas and this helps us in synthesis of new ideas Moving away from the problem helps us to move away from pre-occupied ideas and give birth to insights Getting accompanied with diverse group of people helps us to change perspectives References Dumas, D., & Dunbar, K. (2014). Understanding Fluency and Originality: A latent variable perspective. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 14, 56-67. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2014.09.003 Keller, J., & Foster, D. (2016). Don’t Tread on Me: Constraint-Challenging Presidents and Strategic Conflict Avoidance. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 46(4), 808-827. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/psq.12320 Response-2(Rakesh)   Part 1 Everybody in the team should require the dialog and after the fundamental trade, the agent ought to request the undertakings and withdraw to the quarters. As a not as much as tried and true manage workers may require in correspondence which again prompts others to mediate with a specific extreme target to ask for questions. This condition could street to confused judgment among partners. Notwithstanding how the authority is amazing at passing on the assignments beforehand the due dates, there are odds of various partners to get baffled for not taking an energy amidst the get-together exchange. A brief span later, we come to comprehend that the individual is in reality uncommon in working impeccably on time and it is only that operator dependably needs to work alone and as exhibited by his/her comfort. Sources of conflict In a team get together, it is astoundingly run of the mill to have tries subject to different issues. Inclinations due to past encounters. Correspondence issues the individual does not pass on always about the status of agent’s errand. Part 2 Mostly, everyone in the team should be awesome at their social capacities. This is by virtue of when an associate isn’t incredible at explanation his/her contemplations it couldn’t be workable for different accomplices to understand it suitably. Additionally, Team pioneer needs to complete his aptitudes in keeping up the pace in the midst of the talk or more all, if there is any nuance or a stay of doubt in passing on the considerations, assemble pioneer should bolster his/her gathering to execute diverse decisions or systems according to the conditions. Also, at last, the gathering should reliably get prepared for the conditions they face and go about as demonstrated by it. This movement can lead them in making new contemplations and perspectives with the ultimate objective that it could lead them in showing their creative musings. Gathering pioneer needs to guarantee that, the imagination of considerations shouldn’t lead their accomplices in settling on antique musings. Strategies to enhance creativity The dealt with approach like utilizing fishbone plots influences us to discover what we have missed. Contemplating subjects disconnected from within issues/issues influences us to discover new contemplations. All insights begin from prior examinations. The more we develop our insight the more we get open to various thoughts and this causes us in the relationship of new examinations. Moving far from the issue influences us to move far from pre-had insights and convey bits of learning. Getting kept running with the distinctive get-together of individuals rolls out us improvement points of view. References: Sherf, E., & Wee, E.(2014). The How, Who, and What of Task Conflict: Unbundling the Task Conflict-Team Performance Relationship. Retrieved on March 23rd, 2018 from Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1), 10783-1078. Alessandra, Tony Ph.D. and Hunsaker, Phil Ph.D, (1993). “Communicating at Work”. Retrieved on March 23rd, 2018 from New York: Fireside Publishers. Response-3(RINI)   Part 1 When it comes about team, people coming together and working for shared goals, there are always chances of conflict. It is good to have positive or constructive conflict which helps in digging deep into problem and finding the best possible solutions but negative conflict where both the persons are seeing their short term goals or advantages and ignoring the bigger picture will result into losses and company failure. For instance in our team as well conflict has arises because of difference of opinions, viewpoints, thoughts as everyone belongs to different culture but diverse teams gives more benefits than teams belonging in same culture and values. Many times conflicts has arise because of budget issue so at that time it is very important to take it in positive ways and try to frame the rules, address the problem, asking question, doing root analysis and coming up with all alternatives and at last agreeing to one solution which is best.  Part 2 Looking at current competitive scenario it is must to be creative and unique. I like encouraging and coming up with new ideas and making changes which are beneficial. So if I am going to evaluate myself the 3 indices of creativity will be: ·         Asking Questions: I like to ask questions which brings up new ideas which have never been thought ·         Talent: I have talent of creating innovative platform for teams where they will collaborate to work on with the new best way to meet customers’ needs ·         Making idea visible crystal clear: mere imagination will not work but putting into flow charts or on paper, making some models will help to get clear picture of it which makes more sense. In order to enhance creativity I will: ·         Learn from my past mistakes: I will not do the same thing again and try to do root cause analysis that where things get wrong so I can prevent it from happening again ·         Will aim big and celebrate success: To boost myself to be more creative I should give treat to myself to make me feel good about my achievements and always try to keep my goals high. ·         Try to listen to others. Be a good listener. Keep my ears open to others suggestions and ideas. Understanding what their perceptions are and respecting them as human being and appreciating and rewarding them for new ideas. References: ·         Allenbaugh, E. (2014, ). Your Deliberate Success is Our Business | Eric Allenbaugh. Retrieved from http://www.allenbaugh.com/pdf/Article17_EnhanceTeamCreativity.pdf ·         The PLOS ONE Staff (2014) Correction: Personality, Relationship Conflict, and Teamwork-Related Mental Models. PLoS ONE 9(12): e116425. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0116425 ·         Serrat, O. (2010). Harnessing creativity and innovation in the workplace. Washington, DC: Asian Development Bank.