INSURANCE ASSURANCE OF THE SOUTH (IAS) INSTRUCTIONS FOR PHASE I:  Please read and familiarize yourself with the general description of INSURANCE ASSURANCE OF THE SOUTH (IAS), a mid-sized insurance organization that is fast becoming a leading insurance provider throughout the southern United States, as this is the organization that will be the subject of your semester project. The description/introduction to the company is included in the SEMESTER RESEARCH PROJECT folder, that can be found in the CONTENT section of iLearn.  You are the team leader/chair for the Information Governance Committee/Team responsible for implementing a company wide information governance program for your organization throughout the south. You team has met on one occasion and has identified an initial set of goals and challenges for the organization in the development and implementation of the company’s IG program, which were outlined in the company introduction. Your second meeting with the team is fast approaching and you have told your team members that during this next meeting you will discuss with them the overall plan and the steps that the team will take in order to implement information governance in the organization. In order to be prepared for that meeting, please do the following:  1. You must familiarize yourself with information governance ideas as they relate to the insurance industry. Conduct the necessary research to familiarize yourself with different organizations, associations, affiliates and agencies that have stepped up to provide oversight and regulation with regard to information governance in the insurance industry. Please summarize and explain the results of your research, identifying and describing the each organization that provides oversight and/or guidance and/or regulation for information governance in the insurance industry. Discuss and explain any “models” and/or best practices you are able to identify. You must provide citations and references to each source from your research.  2. Organize a plan for implementing Information Governance at IAS. That is you are to design and explain the tasks you must undertake, and the steps or order for accomplishing each task in order to implement Information Governance (IG) program at INSURANCE ASSURANCE OF THE SOUTH (IAS). I am NOT asking you to give me “the” final Information Governance Program itself. It is far too early in the course for you to be able to develop an Information Governance program. What I am asking you to do is to develop a plan that sets out the tasks that will need to be accomplished and the order (steps) in which the tasks will need to be performed in order to design and implement an IG plan for your organization. This should be the blueprint that you and your team will follow for the next 24 months that have been projected from the date of your first IG Committee/Team meeting to the final implantation of the IG Program. That is, it should explain how you and your team will go about the business of designing and implementing the IG program for the company. It is NOT the IG Program itself. This should be something that you will give your team members to follow, as the “master plan” for accomplishing the goal of IG at IAS, and what each team member’s role is in accomplishing that goal. That is, what tasks are they assigned? What will need to be completed or accomplished before they can begin their respective tasks? You may use diagrams, tables, and any other references that assist in the explanation of your plan for designing and implementing a program of Information Governance at IAS. However, you may NOT substitute your table or diagram for a complete narrative explanation. Remember, where you formulated any portion of your overall program based upon information from the research you conducted in question 1 above, you must reference your sources in order to avoid suggestions that you have plagiarized.  3. Recall, the author of your text has repeatedly emphasized that above all else you must operate within the confines of the law. Assume INSURANCE ASSURANCE OF THE SOUTH (IAS) primary corporate office is located in Louisville, Kentucky. It also conducts business under the state laws of Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Tennessee. Conduct the necessary research to familiarize yourself with federal laws applicable to the insurance industry that will impact or control your company’s business in each of these states named above. You will write an explanation of what you found from your research, and do so in a way that will assist your team members in knowing what confines of federal law they must operate within. Please in writing provide a detailed explanation of the results of your search for legal information in a format that you would be able to hand out to your team members during your next meeting. Please cite or reference your research sources completely.  4. Not only is the insurance industry regulated by federal law, but also by the state laws in the different states in which they operate. Conduct your own research on Kentucky law applicable to IAS. Now select one other state in which IAS does business and research the insurance laws of that state. You are to provide a detailed explanation of the differences between the laws of those two states as they apply to IAS, so that your team members will understand and can assist in designing the IG program in such a way as to be compliant with the laws of both Kentucky and the other state researched. Please cite or reference your research sources.  Phase I of this semester long research project is worth 10% of your overall semester grade. The quality of your work on this phase of the project can impact your final semester grade by an entire letter grade. Do not minimize the importance of this assignment.  Also, do not expect that you can do anything less than doctorial quality work and receive a satisfactory grade. The above three questions must be properly researched and explained. Also, please expect that your paper will be checked for plagiarism. Whenever you quote directly from a source, include the quotation in the appropriate quotes and cite the source. When you summarize information form a source, use proper references and endnotes or footnotes in enough detail that the reader can go directly to your source reference. Plagiarism and all other forms of cheating will not be tolerated.  The paper should be uploaded in a WORD format. It should contain a cover page. The paper should include page number on each page, should have a 1 inch margin on all sides, should contain a table of contents and all pages should be numbers. Single space the body of the paper a double space between paragraphs. Subheadings should be in bold and should be on the left margin. There should be a blank line between the subheading and the first paragraph following the subheading. Please use complete citations in the body of the paper, following direct citations. Also, include the complete source cited at the end of the paper on a REFERENCE PAGE Where you summarize but do not quote directly, use endnote number references in the body of the paper at the conclusion of the section summarized. For summaries, also include a section at the end of your paper for complete citations to the source summarized. This will be called “ENDNOTES”. In addition, please include this endnote citation in your REFERENCES. That is, at the end of the paper there will be at least two appendices, one for your ENDNOTES that will contain a number reference and the complete citation to the sources summarized. Following this will be the REFERENCES page that will include all sources where you directly quoted sources in the body of your paper and in addition will include a citation for all sources that you summarized. Remember, your REFERNCES will include a list of BOTH sources quoted and sources summarized, and will be listed in the order in which they appear in your paper. Your ENDNOTES page will precede the REFERENCES page and will include only sources summarized, and will listed in the same order in which they appear in your paper.