Case 3: Selection of a patient safety strategy Background Information: Langley Mason Health (LMH) is located in North Reno County, the largest public health care district in the state of Nevada, serving an 850-square-mile area encompassing seven distinctly different communities. The health district was founded in 1937 by a registered nurse and dietician who opened a small medical facility on a former poultry farm. Today the health system comprises Langley Medical Center, a 317-bed tertiary medical center and level II trauma center; Mason Hospital, a 107-bed community hospital; and Mason Continuing Care Center and Villa Langley, two-part-skilled nursing facilities (SNFs); a home care division; an ambulatory surgery center; and an outpatient behavioral medicine center. In anticipation of expected population growth in North Reno County and to meet the state-mandated seismic requirements, LMH developed an aggressive facilities master plan (FMP) that includes plans to build a state-of-the-art 453-bed replacement hospital for its Langley Medical Center campus, double the size of its Mason Hospital, and build satellite clinics in four of its outlying communities. The cost associated with actualizing this FMP is estimated to be $1 billion. Several years ago, LMH undertook and successfully passed the largest health care bond measure in the states history and in so doing secured $496 million in general obligation bonds to help fund its massive facilities expansion project. The remaining funds must come from revenue bonds, growth strategies, philanthropic efforts, and strong operational performance over the next ten years. Additionally, $5 million of routine capital funds will be diverted every fiscal year for the next five years to help offset the huge capital outlay that will be necessary to equip the new facilities. That leaves LMH with only $10 million per year to spend on routine maintenance, equipment, and technology for all its facilities. LMH is committed to patient safety and is building what the leadership team hopes will be one of the safest hospital-of-the-future facilities. The challenge is to provide for patient safety and safe medication practices given the minimal capital dollars available to spend today. LMH developed an IT strategic plan in late 2010, with the following ten goals identified: Empower health consumers and physicians Transform data into information Support the expansion of clinical services Expand e-business opportunities Realize the benefits of innovation Maximize the value of IT Improve projects outcomes Prepare for the unexpected Deploy a robust and agile technical architecture Digitally enable new facilities, including the new hospital. Information System Challenge LMH has implemented Phase 1 an enterprise-wide EHR system developed by Cerner Corporation in 2008 at a cost of $20 million. Phase 2 of the project is to implement computerized provider order entry (CPOE) with decision-support capabilities. This phase was to have been completed in 2010, but has been delayed due to the many challenges associated with Phase 1, which still must be stabilized and optimized. LMH does have a fully automated pharmacy information system, albeit order technology, and Pyxis medication-dispensing systems on all units in the acute care hospitals. Computerized discharge prescriptions and instructions are available only for patients seen and discharge from the LMH emergency departments. Currently, the pharmacy and nursing staff at LMH have been working closely on the selection of a smart IV pump to replace all of the health systems aging pumps and have put forth a proposal to spend $4.9 million in the fiscal year beginning July 2012. Smart pumps have been shown to significantly reduce medication administration errors, thus reducing patient harm. This expenditure would consume roughly half of all the available capital dollars for the fiscal year. The chief information officer, Marilyn Moore, PhD, understands the pharmacists and nurses desire to purchase smart IV pumps but believes the implementation of this technology should not be considered in isolation. She sees the smart pumps as one facet of an overall medication management capital purchase and patient safety strategic plan. Dr. Moore suggests that the pharmacy and nursing leadership team lead a medication management strategic planning process and evaluate a suite of available technologies that takes together could optimize medication safety (for example, CPOE, electronic medication administration records [e-mar], robots, automated pharmacy systems, bar coding, computerized discharge prescriptions and instructions, and smart IV pumps), the costs associated with implementing these technologies, and the organizations readiness to embrace these technologies. Paul Robinson, PharmD, the director of pharmacy, appreciates Dr. Moores suggestion but feels that smart IV pumps are critical to patient safety and that LMH doesnt have time to go through a long, drawn-out planning process that could take years to implement and the process of gaining board support. Others argue that all new proposals should be placed on hold until CPOE is up and running. They argue there are too many other pressing issues at hand to invest in yet another new technology. At least a 100 word for the answer to the question. 1. In reviewing the 10 strategic goals of the IT Strategic plan, which are most closely aligned with the initiative for SmartIV Pumps proposed by nurses and pharmacists? 2.Which of the approaches suggested to improve medication management do you think would be the most appropriate course of action? 3. Why do you think that the suggested approach you selected will improve medication management? 4.How do decision support systems improve the safety of patient care and promote positive outcomes of care?
Health Care Information System
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