Task- A (Strat Plan) The decision to adopt or bypass a technology can give a company a tremendous competitive advantage or remove a company from the market completely.   Using the 3 paragraph structure described in the announcements, please research and explain   In your own words, no quotations allowed this week. Choice ONE Technology, that YOU predict will have a major impact on the way work is done?  write one paragraph describing the technology, one paragraph on What you see as possible negatives to this technology and one paragraph on a positive aspect. This is your format. Deviations from this format will result in a failing grade and additional scrutiny for plagiarism. YOU MUST POST YOUR THOUGHTS AND IDEAS, BEFORE YOU CAN SEE YOUR CLASSMATES. You are also required to post a response to a minimum of two other students in the class. You must use at least one scholarly resource.  Every discussion posting must be properly APA formatted. Respond to a minimum of two other learners during the week. Your responses to other students must be more than a simple “Good job” or “I agree with your post”. They must also not just be “Let me add to your post…” Instead, your responses to each other should do three things: 1. Acknowledge the other student’s post with some form of recognition about what they posted 2. Relate their posting to something you have learned or are familiar with 3. Add to the conversation by asking additional questions about their post, or discussing their topic further Task -B(Global Economy)   This assignment will be one of several throughout your PhD program that we use to help you prepare for the dissertation process. One of the core competencies necessary to succeed in a doctoral program is the ability to identify other research that pertains to your own. This means you’ll have to identify similar research, read the papers, and assimilate prior work into your own research. An annotated bibliography helps you develop and hone these research skills. This assignment is listed on the syllabus as “Major research paper” and is worth 10% of your grade. Your paper will be an annotated bibliography, specifically focusing on the topic of using simulations for policy making. The papers you select must address how IT is used to model behavior for policy making. You paper must be in correct APA format, use correct grammar, and will need to include at five (5) resources, ALL of which must: 1) Be current. Published within the last few years. 2) Be peer-reviewed. 3) Relate directly to using simulations for policy making. The papers you select must address how IT is used to model behavior for policy making. USE YOUR OWN WORDS!!!! DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!!!!  Remember that an annotation is not the same as an abstract. Abstracts are descriptive. Your annotations are to be evaluative and critical. Give me enough information for me to decide if I’m interested enough to read the paper, and also how you perceive the paper. Don’t go skimpy on these annotations, but DO NOT write too much here. Quality is far more important that quantity. This exercise is for each of you to demonstrate that you can identify, categorize, and digest multiple research papers.  Every resource you choose must be peer reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous reviews. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a conference or journal by visiting the appropriate web site. Do not simply assume that a resource is peer reviewed – check it out.  Here are a few URLs with additional information: (I strongly suggest that you look at these. Really.) https://sites.umuc.edu/library/libhow/bibliography_apa.cfm https://www.bethel.edu/library/research/apa-annobib-sixth.pdf http://libguides.enc.edu/writing_basics/annotatedbib/apa    <<<< Check out the "Rules! rules! rules!" section http://guides.library.cornell.edu/annotatedbibliography https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/03/ Part-c(related to part a)   Project majorly deals with multiple sub parts to be developed and implemented. When it comes to iterative implementation by several developers on a single piece of application in sense there is thousands of code lines that has to be written according to the requirement. This necessity should be iterative and incremental which is known as agile development. To maintain and collaborate several pieces of developed code by multiple developers involved, a tracking and project management tool is needed. This is fulfilled by ‘JIRA’ this tracking technology has a board that divides into three categories, backlogs, on-going and completed tracks and whom it is assigned will be seen as well (Sarkan, Ahmad & Bakar, 2011). This gives a major impact in achieving deadlines and proposed goals.             Jira as a tracking tool displays emotions and openness of the project details more than required. When a assignee of a particular issue of the projects raises a question in the comments and technical lead clears it out with detailed information and that can be a possible extract of security concerns (ortu et al, 2016).             The positive thing about JIRA is that every is issue is associated with a user story and points on which the issue is resolved, and here points determines the complexity. It also gives scope to bug classification to that particular user story (Sarkan, Ahmad & Bakar, 2011). second post:   Effects of Technology to a Business  Due to the ever-changing environment in the world of business, many companies make decisions to adopt the latest technology to get a competitive advantage. My focus will be the use of robots as a technology which has mainly been adopted in the manufacturing sector and hotel sector in the more advanced countries. This is where the robots have been programmed in a specific manner that they perform various tasks (Dirican, 2015). Business-wise, this has its advantages and disadvantages, as discussed below. A significant setback in this is that many people get unemployed, and hence the cases of insecurity are on the rise. This also affects business in the large picture as there is no money to spend. There can also be a breakdown of the programs running the robots, which would make every function of a company stop and hence leading to huge losses. The programs would also be hacked by competitors and then using them against the company's business. This makes a company lose the competitive edge it had. Robots are not intelligent. They cannot improve anything beyond what they are programmed to do. One of the advantages of using robots is that there is a significant reduction in the cost of production as the robots are not paid salaries. This translates to high-profit margins. Secondly, the output does not reduce as in humans where they get tired and maybe reduce the rate of production. Again, robots, unlike humans, have reduced errors in their functioning and hence reduced losses during production. Robots can also work in extreme environments, which would be difficult for a human too (Dirican, 2015). Another advantage of using robots is that they never get sick or ask for off days from work. This translates to a high rate of production throughout.