Required  topic : cyberlaw document presentation document in word format  1. On the discussion forum, please post a 500-word summary of the results of your research paper 2. Respond to two classmates’ postings. Minimum 100 words per posting. Classmate discussion for reply 1  by Harsh Patel – Saturday, 20 July 2019, 9:38 PM  The research paper is a synopsis on cybercrime and the ethical implications related to this field. The elements impacting the cybercrime have various laws of action in several nations that frequently manage features of the issues and analysis in the gravity of the issues with different approaches are playing significant roles. Cybercrime attacks signify an emerging challenge, particularly in terms of developing nations. International cyber terrorism is concentrated on gaining private data to take benefit for complete control and thus, significant welfares (Malhotra, 2016). Cybercrime incorporates a completely criminal and illegal activity which is conveyed out by information technology and computers. The impacts of cyber-crime are broadly discoursed in the literature, seeing the circumstance that it is a topic of great current awareness.  Antonescu & Birau (2015) states that the financial consequence of cybercrime characterizes a highly penetrating concern in the view of globalized markets. Developing nations signify a very weak objective because of institutional and structural inequalities. Since the growing application of information technology, the chances of deceitful advances centered on cyber-crimes have developed even more important. Measuring the number of events, the damage instigated by cybercrime is enormously large, reaching great economic harm, of hundreds of billions of dollars a year in the event of the global market.  Sometimes, it is very challenging to perfectly assess the charge of cybercrime attacks measuring particular non-financial allegations. Additionally, the non-financial consequence of cybercrimes are slightly hard to proportionate based on a measurable technique, but certainly, it has a very strong influence with tremendously intense costs. Cyber-attack approaches have been enhanced radically over time, particularly in recent years (Antonescu & Birau, 2015). Criminals have also modified the developments of computer technology to further proceed with their illegal activities.  Specific precautionary measures need to be taken by all of us while using the internet, which will succor in stimulating this major risk Cyber Crime. There is a necessity to conduct research analysis of cyber-crimes to discover out the best technique to protect confidential data and take suitable action against the cyber-attack. Focussed training in the fields of computer crime and economic, and how they impact the specific industries with computer forensics, requests to continue to upsurge for law enforcement workforces. With the lack of understanding of how particular industries operate, it is hard to analyze or indict financial crimes (Das & Nayak, 2013). New career goals within law enforcement industries could be recognized before reassignments and promotions drain organizations of their imperfect skilled staffs in technically refined areas.     To combat with the Cyber Crime, Cross-Domain Resolutions are becoming prevalent to resolve problems. Cross-Domain Solutions recommends both groups to monitor standards and protocols. The parties applying such resolutions are collaborating across the system’s software and hardware for data transfer and authentication. Cross-Domain solutions give unified access and sharing of information. Other safety procedures, such as testing the individual in ethical conduct on the moral source before conveying such personal work, should be done. The specialties also encouraged to be authentic with their services and their job parts shall be assessed period to period, so that to inspire them to stand by moralities and not to move away from moral philosophy (Tiwari & Bhalla, 2016).   References Antonescu, M., & Birau, R. (2015). Financial and non-financial implications of cybercrimes in emerging countries. Procedia Economics and Finance, 32, 618 – 621. Das, S., & Nayak, T. (2013). Impact of Cyber Crime: Issues and Challenges. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Emerging Technologies, 6(2), 142-153. Malhotra, D. S. (2016). Cyber Crime-Its Types, Analysis and Prevention Techniques. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 6(5), 145-150. Tiwari, S., & Bhalla, A. (2016). Cyber Crime and Security. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 6(4), 46-52. Classmate discussion for reply 2 by Anusha Nallamothu – Monday, 29 July 2019, 2:24 PM  Cyber Crimes Cyber are crimes are also serious criminal acts related to the internet. It can include the hacking of some personal details and sensitive information which is to be kept private but stolen by the unauthorized people or unauthorized systems. Stealing the secure information or data and accessing the systems which they do not have the privilege for it is some kind of cybercrimes. These are punishable acts and government has to take proper action on such activities which causes harm to the people who own the data and system either with personal data or official data like any organization data which is confidential. These crimes can be reduced by protecting the systems with secure firewalls and by running anti-virus software. Many organizations will have apps that can scan and find the third party applications and files which may harm the system’s data and operations. This can be able to find such malware and virus and report as soon as possible to the system owner to check and update on the report. It helps to maintain the data is safe and secure mode. It allows only authorized applications and websites which are certified by the particular organization. Business and companies ask the employees to maintain the passwords to be stronger with different case letters and special characters (Ismailova, 2016).             Some crimes can include making a target of some computer networks and also the devices. It can cause the virus to enter into the networks which can be used to slow down or sometimes to delete or modify a few files. Denial of service is one of the disasters that can be done by these cybercrimes. In recent days, the techniques like phishing with their ideas by using fake emails to get sensitive and personal data from the users, fraud identity creation or identity is theft by them which may cause misusing those credentials, access and through cyberstalking. This kind of crimes includes hacking of a computer system and shutting down or misuse of websites, secure private networks. It can spread hate and sometimes be a cause for terrorism in a technical way. In these days everyone uses the internet and it is one of the reasons for hacking and such technical crimes. Government has to cybercrime as a very serious concern and punish the criminals who do not follow the ethics of privacy and security of confidential information. Penalties are punishment for hackers under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Online harassment is also one of the serious crimes caused by networks or social media which leads to invasion of individual’s privacy and rights (Singh, 2016).  Some more cyber attacks are drive-by attack and password attack in case of weak passwords like personal names or date of birth, structured query language injection attack is also a serious attack to hack the data. Eavesdropping attack which is listening or watching some communications or secure data transmission between two people without proper authorization and access, it is a punishable act. Cybercrimes may cause to the risks in term of financial loss and it can damage the reputation of the organization or the company which further causes to the failure in case of its information technology. It can damage the image and brand of the company in the market. So every organization will guide its employees about the security for the data in systems with some online courses as well as by providing access for the right people to secure areas (Upadhyaya, 2016). References Ismailova, R., & Muhametjanova, G. (2016). Cyber crime risk awareness in Kyrgyz Republic. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, 25(1-3), 32-38. Singh, S., & Singh, N. (2016, December). Blockchain: Future of financial and cyber security. In 2016 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I) (pp. 463-467). IEEE. Upadhyaya, R., & Jain, A. (2016, April). Cyber ethics and cyber crime: A deep dwelved study into legality, ransomware, underground web and bitcoin wallet. In 2016 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA) (pp. 143-148). IEEE. Please give five titles by classmate names provided in replies. 0% plagiarism its discussion   not ppt