There are two discussions here that need to be responded to thoroughly. Responses must be on APA format 150+words 1-2 legitimate verifiable sources per response. CIS599 discussion 1 post responses. Respond to the colleagues posts regarding: “The Four IT Business Management Domains” Please respond to the following: Determine the interconnectivity of each of the four IT business management domains as discussed in Chapter 2 of the Stenzel textbook on page 57. Explain how each domain impacts the other. From each business management domain, identify the two most important areas a CIO should accept responsibility for in order to strategically lead the organization. Support your answer with a rationale for why you believe these are the most important areas. KJs post states the following: “The Four IT Business Management Domains” Please respond to the following: Determine the interconnectivity of each of the four IT business management domains as discussed in Chapter 2 of the Stenzel textbook on page 57. Explain how each domain impacts the other. From each business management domain, identify the two most important areas a CIO should accept responsibility for in order to strategically lead the organization. Support your answer with a rationale for why you believe these are the most important areas. The four IT management domains are 1. Business Alignment 2. Capacity Optimization 3. Financial Management 4. Service Management In order to manage IT appropriately, managers need to consider all the aspects of the management domain and how they have impact each other. Business alignment plan is important because it provides the goals of what the infrastructure is going to focus on. I think this is one of the most important of the four IT management domains because it guides provides some form a guide for the other domain. Managers will be able to create a plan for the other domain once they know the objectives for the business. Capacity optimization helps determine the current state of the IT infrastructure and what areas need improvement, growth or more resources. It also helps managers determine the financial budget needed to make those improvements. Financial management is the second most important domain. This domain determines to budget that the IT department has to purchase and maintain infrastructure equipment. Without a proper financial management, it will be hard to meet business goals, improve service or provide new services. Service Management is a customer-focused approach to delivering information technology. Service Management focuses on providing value to the customer and also on the customer relationship. Service Management provides a framework to structure IT-related activities and the interactions of IT technical personnel with customers and clients. References: Stenzel, J. (2011). CIO Best Practices : Enabling Strategic Value With Information Technology: Vol. 2nd ed. Wiley. ITS Service Management: Key Elements. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2020, from CIS599 discussion 2 post responses. Respond to the colleagues posts regarding: “Framework” Please respond to the following: Evaluate each of the approaches to applying the framework as discussed in Chapter 8 of the Lane textbook. Determine how each approach would align to the organization for future growth and success. Give your opinion as to the validity of each approach. Identify three aspects of portfolio management that allow the CIO to strategically align IT with organizational goals and discuss why these aspects are important. AYs post states the following: Evaluate each of the approaches to applying the framework as discussed in Chapter 8 of the Lane textbook. Determine how each approach would align to the organization for future growth and success. Give your opinion as to the validity of each approach. Lane identified four (4) primary approaches to applying the framework. Those approaches include (Lane, 2011): 1. Understanding the business. 2. Hire from the business. 3. Key Stakeholder relationship development. 4. Measurement Capability. Understanding the business is crucial. In order to properly allocate and manage the resources used in the organization to meet the objectives a solid understanding of how they will be used must occur. This is especially important for future growth and success because being familiar with the business and the objectives will enable the IT staffing to generate designs and solutions based upon the direction of the business. The text advises that this approach is to hire within the business and to use employees that are within the company. The theory discussed is that it is easier to train someone with knowledge of the business and without IT knowledge to make the transition. Personally, I feel this concept needs to be utilized very carefully. In my opinion it is a misconception to assume that someone without IT background can pick up a position because they understand the business. Recently on my project this exact same scenario happened, and the person ended up getting removed from the project. In situations that are fast paced, carry many types of technology and interface with customers the services are being provided with this may not always be appropriate. This person was very familiar with the business, but not IT related and was stuck as a PM on some technical projects. Key Stakeholder Relationship Development- This concept is an integral part of the success or failure of the business. Success is more likely by ensuring relationships are nurtured with customers, and other departments outside of the IT organization. These relationships can give ideas on what customers see for the future, designs that they may be interested in and give room for the organization to make suggestions that can lead to more business. Stakeholder satisfaction can go a long way and promote more business in the future. Measurement capabilities allows the organization to identify success and failures in a way that can be expressed to stakeholders. These measurements can identify areas where improvement can occur, costs can be saved, and relationship satisfaction can be identified. These measurements can also identify weaknesses in processes that can allow improvement for future delivery of services, relationships with customers, IT resources and more. These are all valuable for the future of the business. Reference: Lane, D. (2011). The Chief Information Officers Body of Knowledge : People, Process, and Technology. Wiley.
CIS 599 Discussion Responses
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