There are three discussions here that need to be responded to thoroughly. Responses must be on APA format 150+words 1-2 legitimate verifiable sources per response. CIS555 discussion 1 post responses. Respond to the colleagues posts regarding: “Obstacle Categories and Prevention” Please respond to the following: • Suppose that you are performing an obstacle analysis of the software that you developed for the self-parking car discussed previously. Determine which of the following obstacle categories you would apply during the analysis: hazard obstacles, threat obstacles, dissatisfaction obstacles, misinformation obstacles, inaccuracy obstacles, and usability obstacles. Defend the selected category that you selected with two examples. • The alternative techniques for obstacle prevention are goal weakening, obstacle reduction, goal restoration, obstacle mitigation, and doing nothing. Examine the alternative techniques and select the one that you would use for obstacle presentation. Defend your selection. YMs post states the following: “Obstacle Categories and Prevention” • Suppose that you are performing an obstacle analysis of the software that you developed for the self-parking car discussed previously. Determine which of the following obstacle categories you would apply during the analysis: hazard obstacles, threat obstacles, dissatisfaction obstacles, misinformation obstacles, inaccuracy obstacles, and usability obstacles. Defend the selected category that you selected with two examples.        Reliably and accurately detecting obstacles is the core problem that need to be solved to enable autonomous navigation for self driving vehicles. The obstacle category I would apply during the analysis is inaccuracy obstacle where the state of objects in the environment and state of their representation in the software should be consistent .   For example :- while parking if there is inaccuracy in the gap between the object behind the car in the environment and the gap shown in the software their would be a collision. The other example is in camera images  if the product  can not work in wide range of weather and lightning condition in accuracy obstacle would happen .   • The alternative techniques for obstacle prevention are goal weakening, obstacle reduction, goal restoration, obstacle mitigation, and doing nothing. Examine the alternative techniques and select the one that you would use for obstacle presentation. Defend your selection.        The range of strategies to consider and the selection of specific strategy to apply depends on the likelihood of occurrence of the obstacle and consequence of such occurrence . the most effective way of resolving an obstacle for our scenario is to identify an alternative goal refinement for some higher level goal in which the obstructed goal and obstructing obstacles are no longer present. This strategy resolves the obstruction by adding a new goal requiring that the obstacle be avoided.   Reference CIS555 discussion 2 post responses. Respond to the colleagues posts regarding: “Obstacle Diagrams and Obstacle Identification” Please respond to the following: • From the e-Activity, determine any similarities or dissimilarities between the goal model diagrams and obstacles diagrams. • Provide one example of when you would use the tautology-based refinement technique. Provide one example of when you would use the obstructed target technique. Defend why you chose to use each technique in the examples that you did. MH’s post states the following: “Obstacle Diagrams and Obstacle Identification” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, determine any similarities or dissimilarities between the goal model diagrams and obstacle diagrams. Obstacle models are very similar to goal models, however, the main difference is that goal filtering is impossible.  Also, only the obstacle tree is shown, and obstacles refine to obstacles, instead of goals (Goals, Requirements, and Obstacles, 2020).    Provide one example of when you would use the tautology-based refinement technique. Provide one example of when you would use the obstructed target technique. Defend why you chose to use each technique in the examples that you did. Tautology-based refinement is a technique that shows the effectiveness of a proposed solution as compared to the ineffectiveness of alternative solutions (Supakkul, 2012).  For example, should electronic cigarettes be allowed in buildings? The tautology-based refinement technique will reveal the absurdity to prove that the proposed solution will work.  Obstructed-technique could be used in music.  As you know, music has bass, tremble, etc. In most cases, they play at different intervals. When one stops, the other one starts.   References: Goals, Requirements, and Obstacles. (2020).  Retrieved from Supakkul, S. (2012). Creating a KAOS obstacle model.  CIS555 discussion 3 post responses. Respond to the colleagues posts regarding: “Term Paper Discussion” Please respond to the following: • In preparation for the Term Paper: Reengineering the Course Enrollment Process due in Week 10 of this course, read the project statement provide for the term paper: “Consider Strayer University’s current process of enrolling for courses through the use of the Web. Suppose that the University has contracted you to reengineer the enrollment process that considers the Web and other modes of input. The expectation is that you will gather information from current system users, analyze the collected data, propose a solution, and provide a requirements document. Assume that your professor has been tasked by the University to be the stakeholder for the reengineering of the enrollment process.  • Assume further that you are the analyst that will propose and document the system-as-is and system-to-be.” This discussion thread has been setup by your professor so that you will post questions for the professor as the stakeholder for questions pertaining to this project. o Summarize the proposed system-as-is that will be used in your term paper. Create at least five questions for the stakeholder (your professor) with regard to the current system and reasons for selecting them.  o Create at least five questions for the stakeholder (your professor) with regard to the proposed system and reasons for selecting them.  o Describe how you will use the elicited responses in your term paper.  o List at least five quality resources you plan to use in the term paper. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. MHs post states the following: Summarize the proposed system-as-is that will be used in your term paper. Strayer University will, upon request, automatically enroll the student in their next course(s) “when the academic schedule for a future terms [sic] is available and [the student is] eligible to register for courses” (Strayer, n.d., Enrollment Profile).  The student’s success coach will enroll the student in their course(s), authorize a payment plan, and then notify the student.  The student is then responsible for making a deposit of at least 10% and setting up the payment plan.  Once the deposit is made, the student’s success coach will finalize their registration. RegistrationProcessDiagram.png  Create at least five questions for the stakeholder (your professor) with regard to the current system and reasons for selecting them. 1. The primary objective of the following list of questions is to rapidly establish an understanding of the current system, its strengths, and its deficits. 1. Please review the system-as-is description above; a high-level diagram is also attached.  Is the description above an accurate representation of the current system? If not, what corrections are needed to fully capture the system-as-is?    2. What works well in the current system? 3. What does not work well in the current system? 4. What, if any, administrative features are in the current system? 5. What systems—internal and external—does the current system interface with? 6. To obtain a thorough understanding of the current system, which stakeholders should be consulted? 7. What documentation is available for review about the current system? 8. What is the current technology stack? Create at least five questions for the stakeholder (your professor) with regard to the proposed system and reasons for selecting them. 1. The objective of the following list of questions is to establish an understanding of the project’s needs and goals.  This information will be helpful when decomposing goals into requirements, identifying risks, making design decisions, and prioritizing requirements. 1. Please briefly state the project vision. 2. In descending order of priority, what are the high-level goals and objectives of the project? 3. What problems or drawbacks does the university hope to solve with the system-to-be? 4. What opportunities does the university want to take advantage of using the system-to-be? 5. Are there regulatory or legal requirements that must be adhered to? If so, what are they? 6. How will success be measured? What metrics will be used? Which stakeholders 7. Who will be responsible for maintaining the system? 8. What, if any, administrative features are needed? 9. Are there prescribed technologies or design approaches that must be respected? 10. What are the long-term plans for the system? How might it grow over time? Describe how you will use the elicited responses in your term paper. Every answer will be used in some way for my term paper.  For example, the questions 2.1 and 2.2 will be used to determine the strategic objectives.  Questions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.3, and 2.4 will be helpful in determining the functional services needed in the system-to-be.  Question 1.5 and 2.5 will be helpful in describing the system environment. List at least five quality resources you plan to use in the term paper. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. 1. Strayer University. (no date). Enrollment Profile.  Retrieved from 2. Strayer University. (no date). Academic Support.  Retrieved from 3. Fairley, R. E. (2009). Managing and leading software projects. [Strayer University Bookshelf]. Retrieved from 4. Lamsweerde, A. van. (2009). Requirements engineering: From system goals to UML models to software specifications. West Sussex, England: John Wiley. 5. International Institute of Business Analysis. (2015). BABOK: A guide to the business analysis body of knowledge v3 [Adobe PDF]. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Author. 6. Karl Wiegers. 2013. Software Requirements, Third Edition. 7. Robertson, S., & Robertson, J. (2013). Mastering the requirements process: Getting requirements right (3rd ed). Addison-Wesley.