Data Mining Project

In this project, you will be expected to do a comprehensive literature search and survey, select and study a specific topic in one subject area of data mining and its applications in business intelligence and analytics (BIA), and write a research paper on the selected...

Job Resume

I need a professional A+ resume with the following requirements.   What to include on a resume While you may decide to add, remove or alter sections depending on your application, here are a few most common resume sections: 1. Name and contact information At a...


IT Project This project simulates the Analysis and Planning needed to provide IT services for a new building. The student must submit a Project Schedule based on the Project Requirements and details below. Using the attached MS Word table template, create a project...

CIS 500 Assignment 1: The New Frontier: Data Analytics

Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research articles on data analytics. Select one (1) industry or one (1) company that is currently using data analytics. Use the industry / company you have selected as the basis for your written paper. Write a four to six (4-6)...

Global Economy & Strategic Plan

 Task- A (Strat Plan) The decision to adopt or bypass a technology can give a company a tremendous competitive advantage or remove a company from the market completely.   Using the 3 paragraph structure described in the announcements, please research and explain   In...

Information Systems Business Management

   MGMT 701 Information Systems Business Management  You will do research on some management information systems topic. The presentation will be made using your favorite presentation software (Microsoft Office, Libre Office etc.). Each project should have one...

CIS 518 Discussion Responses To Student

CIS 518 Discussion 1 post responses. Respond to the colleagues posts regarding: “Software Certification Test” Please respond to the following: • From the first e-Activity, describe two types of software testing, identify when they are applied, and explain...

Continuity Planning Overview

Assignment 1: Continuity Planning Overview Due Week 2 and worth 75 points Suppose you were recently hired for a new initiative as a business continuity lead / manager at a medium-sized healthcare company. You have been asked to prepare a presentation to the Board of...

R Studio Dateset Assignment

Unit 5 Assignment: Should I Sell You Car Insurance?  Outcomes addressed in this activity:  Unit Outcomes:  Predict risk outcomes using historical data. Create a data analysis model appropriate to a given risk scenario. Recommend a course of action based on a model’s...