ITEC 1000 Assignment #2 Total = 100 marks (Solutions); · 5 marks file name and general format Instructions: · All questions are based on Englander — Chapters 6 & 7. · Use a word processor (if you use a non-MS WORD compatible program, e.g., Pages, save as PDF or RTF). · Both questions and answers must be appropriately formatted (including tables) and well presented with enough explanation. · Be sure to name the file as your full name in the following format (lowercase), e.g., peggy_carter.docx · Submit via the upload link provided at the course site any time before or by the deadline, March 26, 11 PM (sharp); late submissions will not be accepted. · Apply the LMC instruction set below to answer relevant questions.    LMC Instruction Set Instruction Mnemonic Numeric Code   Load LDA 5xx   Store STO 3xx   Add ADD 1xx   Subtract SUB 2xx   Input IN 901   Output OUT 902   End HLT 000   Branch/Jump BR 6xx   Branch if   zero BRZ 7xx   Branch if   zero or positive BRP 8xx   Data storage DAT xxx     1. Trace the program below and summarize what the program does; not a step-by-step description of each instruction. [5 marks]    Address / Mailbox # Assembly / Mnemonic Numeric   Code   00 IN 901   01 STO 90 390   02 IN 901   03 STO 91 391   04 LDA 90 590   05 OUT 902   06 LDA 91 591   07 OUT 902   08 HLT 000   …   90 DAT 0 000   91 DAT 0 000 2. Complete the table below to construct an LMC program that will accept a set of three numbers as INPUT and then add the first two numbers and output the answer, then subtract the first number from the third and output the answer. The program begins at address 00 and data is stored in address 90. [20 marks]    Mailbox # Mnemonic Numeric code Instruction Description   00 IN 901 Input first number   01                       3. Complete the table below and construct an LMC program that will accept a number INPUT and OUTPUT a sequence of numbers, starting at 1 and finishing with the INPUT (maxNumber). The counter must be initialized to zero each time the program is run. The program will continue (loop) until a 0 is entered. [20 marks]    Mailbox # Mnemonic Numeric code Instruction Description   00 load zero (from 93) to the accumulator   01 Store the initial count   02 input   03 If zero, branch to halt   04 Store maxNumber   05 LoopTop load count   06 Add step to counter   07 Store count   08 Output   09 Subtract maxNumber   10 If positive, endLoop   11 Jumpt to loopTop   12 endLoop jump to start   13 Halt execution     90 step DAT 1   91 maxNumber DAT   92 count DAT   93 zero DAT     4. Complete the table below to construct an LMC program that will accept two INPUT numbers and then OUTPUT the greater of the two. The program should begin at address 00 and data should be stored in addresses beginning at 90. [25 marks]    Mailbox # Mnemonic Numeric code Instruction Description                               5. Consider the LMC program below in which 2 numbers are entered and added. Suppose the first input entry was stored in mailbox location 00. a. Would the program have produced the same result? b. What would have happened if the program were executed a second time? c. What characteristic of the computer makes this true? [5 marks]    Mailbox Address Numeric Code   00 901   01 306   02 901   03 106   04 902   05 000   06 000    6. If a computer has a 38-bit memory address register. How much memory can this computer address? (Assume: 1 byte/cell; use the most appropriate measure unit). Show your work. [5 marks] Consider the following LMC instructions found in the given locations in memory.    Mailbox Address Mnemonic Code   15 LDA 40   16 ADD 41   …   40 723   41 021 7. Show the CPU Fetch/Execute cycle steps and the values of Instruction Register (IR), the Program Counter (PC), the Memory Address Register (MAR), the Memory Data Register (MDR), and Accumulator (A) when the instruction in address 15 is completed. [5 marks]    F/E cycle Register Values           8. Show the contents of each register as each step of the F/E cycle is performed for instruction 16 in the above program. [10 marks]    F/E cycle PC MAR MDR IR A   PC ® MAR   MDR ® IR   IR [address] ® MAR   A + MDR ® A     ITEC 1000 Assignment #2 Total = 100 marks (Solutions); · 5 marks file name and general format Instructions: · All questions are based on Englander — Chapters 6 & 7. · Use a word processor (if you use a non-MS WORD compatible program, e.g., Pages, save as PDF or RTF). · Both questions and answers must be appropriately formatted (including tables) and well presented with enough explanation. · Be sure to name the file as your full name in the following format (lowercase), e.g., peggy_carter.docx · Submit via the upload link provided at the course site any time before or by the deadline, March 26, 11 PM (sharp); late submissions will not be accepted. · Apply the LMC instruction set below to answer relevant questions.    LMC Instruction Set Instruction Mnemonic Numeric Code   Load LDA 5xx   Store STO 3xx   Add ADD 1xx   Subtract SUB 2xx   Input IN 901   Output OUT 902   End HLT 000   Branch/Jump BR 6xx   Branch if   zero BRZ 7xx   Branch if   zero or positive BRP 8xx   Data storage DAT xxx     1. Trace the program below and summarize what the program does; not a step-by-step description of each instruction. [5 marks]    Address / Mailbox # Assembly / Mnemonic Numeric   Code   00 IN 901   01 STO 90 390   02 IN 901   03 STO 91 391   04 LDA 90 590   05 OUT 902   06 LDA 91 591   07 OUT 902   08 HLT 000   …   90 DAT 0 000   91 DAT 0 000 2. Complete the table below to construct an LMC program that will accept a set of three numbers as INPUT and then add the first two numbers and output the answer, then subtract the first number from the third and output the answer. The program begins at address 00 and data is stored in address 90. [20 marks]    Mailbox # Mnemonic Numeric code Instruction Description   00 IN 901 Input first number   01                       3. Complete the table below and construct an LMC program that will accept a number INPUT and OUTPUT a sequence of numbers, starting at 1 and finishing with the INPUT (maxNumber). The counter must be initialized to zero each time the program is run. The program will continue (loop) until a 0 is entered. [20 marks]    Mailbox # Mnemonic Numeric code Instruction Description   00 load zero (from 93) to the accumulator   01 Store the initial count   02 input   03 If zero, branch to halt   04 Store maxNumber   05 LoopTop load count   06 Add step to counter   07 Store count   08 Output   09 Subtract maxNumber   10 If positive, endLoop   11 Jumpt to loopTop   12 endLoop jump to start   13 Halt execution     90 step DAT 1   91 maxNumber DAT   92 count DAT   93 zero DAT     4. Complete the table below to construct an LMC program that will accept two INPUT numbers and then OUTPUT the greater of the two. The program should begin at address 00 and data should be stored in addresses beginning at 90. [25 marks]    Mailbox # Mnemonic Numeric code Instruction Description                               5. Consider the LMC program below in which 2 numbers are entered and added. Suppose the first input entry was stored in mailbox location 00. a. Would the program have produced the same result? b. What would have happened if the program were executed a second time? c. What characteristic of the computer makes this true? [5 marks]    Mailbox Address Numeric Code   00 901   01 306   02 901   03 106   04 902   05 000   06 000    6. If a computer has a 38-bit memory address register. How much memory can this computer address? (Assume: 1 byte/cell; use the most appropriate measure unit). Show your work. [5 marks] Consider the following LMC instructions found in the given locations in memory.    Mailbox Address Mnemonic Code   15 LDA 40   16 ADD 41   …   40 723   41 021 7. Show the CPU Fetch/Execute cycle steps and the values of Instruction Register (IR), the Program Counter (PC), the Memory Address Register (MAR), the Memory Data Register (MDR), and Accumulator (A) when the instruction in address 15 is completed. [5 marks]    F/E cycle Register Values           8. Show the contents of each register as each step of the F/E cycle is performed for instruction 16 in the above program. [10 marks]    F/E cycle PC MAR MDR IR A   PC ® MAR   MDR ® IR   IR [address] ® MAR   A + MDR ® A