The Strayer Oracle Server may be used to test and compile the SQL Queries developed for this assignment. Your instructor will provide you with login credentials to a Strayer University maintained Oracle server.  Imagine that you have been hired as a consultant to assist in streamlining the data processing of an international based organization that sells high-end electronics. The organization has various departments such as payroll, human resources, finance, marketing, sales, and operations. The sales department is the only department where employees are paid a commission in addition to their yearly salary and benefits. All other departments compensate their employees with a yearly salary and benefits only. Commission is paid by multiplying the employee’s commission rate by the total amount of product units sold. You have access to the following data sets:  Employee (EmpNumber, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, CommissionRate, YrlySalary, DepartmentID, JobID)Invoice (InvNumber, InvDate, EmpNumber,  InvAmount)InvoiceLine (InvLineNumber, InvNumber,  ProductNumber, Quantity)Product (ProductNumber, ProductDescription, ProductCost)Department (DepartmentID, DepartmentDescription)Job (JobID, JobDescription)  Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:  Design a query that will allow the finance department to determine the commissions paid to specific employees of the sales department for the month of December. Note:You will need to generate the tables described above (Employee, Invoice, InvoiceLine, Product, Department, and Job) in order to compare and validate your code. Validated query code must be part of your paper.Compare the code of the query you designed in Question one (1) to one that would show how much total compensation is paid to each employee for the same month.Determine and explain the factors necessary to ensure referential integrity.Create an object-oriented model to show how the tables are interrelated through the use of graphical tools. Make sure that you are able to show the relationship types such as 1:M, 1:1, or M:1. Additionally, remember to include the determined factors from the previous assignment requirement. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.Identify which data components are the entities and attributes, and the relationship between each using an object representation diagram through the use of graphical tools. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.Describe how Big Data could be used to assist in the productivity and forecasting of the organization’s products and resources.   Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:  Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. Points: 90  Assignment 2: Database Systems and Database Models   Criteria  Unacceptable Below 70% F  Fair 70-79% C  Proficient 80-89% B  Exemplary 90-100% A  1. Design a query that will allow the finance department to determine the commissions paid to specific employees of the sales department for the month of December. Weight: 15%  Did not submit or incompletely designed a query that will allow the finance department to determine the commissions paid to specific employees of the sales department for the month of December.  Partially designed a query that will allow the finance department to determine the commissions paid to specific employees of the sales department for the month of December.  Satisfactorily designed a query that will allow the finance department to determine the commissions paid to specific employees of the sales department for the month of December.  Thoroughly designed a query that will allow the finance department to determine the commissions paid to specific employees of the sales department for the month of December.  2. Compare the code of the query you designed in Question one (1) to one that would show how much total compensation is paid to each employee for the same month. Weight: 10%  Did not submit or incompletely compared the code of the query you designed in Question one (1) to one that would show how much total compensation is paid to each employee for the same month.  Partially compared the code of the query you designed in Question one (1) to one that would show how much total compensation is paid to each employee for the same month.  Satisfactorily compared the code of the query you designed in Question one (1) to one that would show how much total compensation is paid to each employee for the same month.  Thoroughly compared the code of the query you designed in Question one (1) to one that would show how much total compensation is paid to each employee for the same month.  3. Determine and explain the factors necessary to ensure referential integrity. Weight: 10%  Did not submit or incompletely determined and explained the factors necessary to ensure referential integrity.  Partially determined and explained the factors necessary to ensure referential integrity.  Satisfactorily determined and explained the factors necessary to ensure referential integrity.  Thoroughly determined and explained the factors necessary to ensure referential integrity.  4. Create an object-oriented model to show how the tables are interrelated through the use of graphical tools. Weight: 20%  Did not submit or incompletely created an object-oriented model to show how the tables are interrelated through the use of graphical tools.  Partially created an object-oriented model to show how the tables are interrelated through the use of graphical tools.  Satisfactorily created an object-oriented model to show how the tables are interrelated through the use of graphical tools.  Thoroughly created an object-oriented model to show how the tables are interrelated through the use of graphical tools.  5. Identify which data components are the entities and attributes, and the relationship between each using an object representation diagram through the use of graphical tools. Weight: 20%  Did not submit or incompletely identified which data components are the entities and attributes, and the relationship between each using an object representation diagram through the use of graphical tools.  Partially identified which data components are the entities and attributes, and the relationship between each using an object representation diagram through the use of graphical tools.  Satisfactorily identified which data components are the entities and attributes, and the relationship between each using an object representation diagram through the use of graphical tools.  Thoroughly identified which data components are the entities and attributes, and the relationship between each using an object representation diagram through the use of graphical tools.  6. Describe how Big Data could be used to assist in the productivity and forecasting of the organization’s products and resources.  Weight: 15%  Did not submit or incompletely described how Big Data could be used to assist in the productivity and forecasting of the organization’s products and resources.   Partially described how Big Data could be used to assist in the productivity and forecasting of the organization’s products and resources.   Satisfactorily described how Big Data could be used to assist in the productivity and forecasting of the organization’s products and resources.   Thoroughly described how Big Data could be used to assist in the productivity and forecasting of the organization’s products and resources.   7. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10%  More than 6 errors present  5-6 errors present  3-4 errors present  0-2 errors present