All 21 Questions should be answered with a minimum of three (3-5) sentences response, with reference (link/url)  to where the information was gathered.   -502- 1.       “Cryptography”  Please respond to the following: Analyze the overall attributes of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography technologies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each, and speculate upon the main reasons why organizations utilize both technologies today. Give an example of where you would consider using each of these forms of encryption within an organization to support your response. From the e-Activity, (Read the “Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation” by NIST.)  give your opinion of whether cryptography should be a part of every email security strategy or if there are specific characteristics of organizations where such measures are not needed. Justify your answer.   2.       “Incident Response and Compliances”  Please respond to the following: From the first e-Activity, determine whether or not you believe that legislation and regulations have had the intended impact on the legal and ethical issues inherent in information security. From the second e-Activity, discuss the specifics of the incident you researched, and analyze the mitigation and recovery tactics that those impacted utilized. Determine whether or not you would have considered a different course of action than the one taken related to the incident that you researched. Justify your answer.   3.       “Security Policies and Procedures and Big Data”  Please respond to the following: From the first e-Activity, analyze the chosen organization’s security policies and procedures, and provide an opinion of whether or not its policies and procedures are strong from an information security standpoint. Justify your opinion utilizing specific examples from your research. From the second e-Activity, determine what you believe to be the top two (2) security concerns related to big data, and give your opinion of what you believe are appropriate solutions to those problems, if solutions do exist. Justify your response.   -505- 4.       Routing and Switching Selection Criteria.  Please respond to the following: Compare and contrast distance-vector and link state routing, and analyze the limitations that would prevent the usage of each. Choose the method best suited for designing a new routing protocol for a LAN architecture. Justify your decision. 5.       Transmission Medium.  Please respond to the following: Suggest a way to improve the way LLC and MAC are used for LAN operation. Evaluate guided and unguided transmission medium to determine which you would use to design a new facility. 6.       Ethernet Options.  Please respond to the following: Compare the advantages of ATM and Gigabit Ethernet technologies as high-speed networking solutions. Describe how to migrate from Fast Ethernet to Gigabit Ethernet, and to 10-Gbps Ethernet. Compare and contrast the advantages of Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and 10-Gbps Ethernet. 7.       Wireless LAN.  Please respond to the following: Analyze the characteristics of wireless LANs and assess the security concerns of this technology in organizations such as universities or hospitals. Identify additional areas of concern for organizations that implement a wireless LAN. Then, explain whether the implementation of a WAN would solve these problems. Explain your rationale. Rank the following IEEE 802.11 standard addresses in order of importance with the first one being the most important. Justify the reason for your chosen order. Association Re-association Disassociation Authentication 8.       Circuit Packet Switching and VPNs.  Please respond to the following:     From the e-Activity, analyze at least one major advantage of private networks and the impact it creates for a communication technology organization. Be sure to provide your source either as an article or URL. From the e-Activity, compare three VPN services available to organizations to determine the primary differences among each. Discuss the pros and cons of each VPN service and suggest the type of organization that would best fit each network provider. 9.       ATM and Frame Relay.  Please respond to the following: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of ATM to those of frame relay. Recommend the superior technology and explain your rationale. Suppose you are in charge of selecting ATM or frame relay as a WAN alternative for your technological needs of a communication technology organization. Choose one of the WAN alternatives and justify your decision.   -524- 10.   “Command and Natural Language” Please respond to the following: The president of your company approached you with his iPhone in one hand and his iPad in the other. He has just purchased the iPhone 4S and is fascinated with Siri, the voice recognition software. He then pulls up an app your team developed for the company a few months ago and tells you that he wants it to work with voice commands just like Siri.  When you pass this information on to your team, the news is met with groans and angry expressions. One of your developers tells you that it would be way too complicated to add voice recognition into the app and that you should have said no. Suggest three techniques to overcome the challenges of implementing natural language into interface designs. Sally, a young developer, requests a meeting with you to discuss a project. Sally tells you that she wants to develop a new application in a computer language she has developed, hoping to use the project as proof of concept for her newly developed language. Your firm encourages technological development and advancement and has allowed similar developments to happen in the past. Discuss with Sally what is required to be considered an effective computer language. Suggest three characteristics that make up an effective computer language. Support your response with evidence from the textbook or an article you found. 11.   “Developing Commands” Please respond to the following: You have just finished reviewing a design project your team has submitted to you and noticed that the team members used a great deal of command abbreviations. Explain to your team the value of using abbreviations for commands and give them at least two advantages and disadvantages associated with using abbreviations. Support your answer. From the e-Activity, Amore’s and Quesada’s article discusses the challenges of incorporating Natural Command Language Dialogs (NCLDs) into a phone system. One challenge pertains to sources of conflict in NCLDs. Discuss potential sources of conflict with an interface that you frequently use and devise a solution for preventing the conflicts. 12.   “Interaction Devices” Please respond to the following: Touch screens are becoming extremely popular input devices for phones and tablets. Assess the value of touch screen devices related to human-computer interaction systems. Identify at least two advantages and two disadvantages of having touch screen devices in the workplace. Support your response by citing a quality resource. Chapter 8 currently has the following subsections, keyboards and keypads, pointing devices, and speech and auditory interfaces. Predict what the subsections may be if this book were written 10 years from now. Justify your predictions. 13.   “Collaboration and Social Media” Please respond to the following: While planning for a new project, a young developer mentions that she used Facebook as a collaborative group space for developing her senior project. She tells you that it was the ideal solution since it was free and all of her group members were friends with her.  Further, she tells you that your company should do the same thing. Explain whether or not you think that Facebook would be a proper venue for your developers to collaborate.  Give at least three reasons for your answer. Imagine you were going to be teaching this class next semester and you were given the choice to teach it asynchronously distributed interface, synchronously distributed interface, or face-to-face. Choose one of these techniques to teach the class and describe why you chose the presentation style you did. Di 14.   Quality of Service” Please respond to the following: Your design team presents a project to you, in which most inputs seem to have about a 1.5-second delay before a response. The lead designer has decided this response is acceptable. Analyze response-time models and decide if the response time in the presented project is acceptable. Explain why it is or is not. Evaluate the importance quality of service has to designers. Choose two areas discussed in the textbook you would focus your attention to ensure quality of service for a team of designers that you were managing. Justify your choices.scuss the advantages and disadvantages associated with the style you chose. 15.   “Balancing Function and Fashion” Please respond to the following: Error messages are a key part of an overall interface design strategy of guidance for the user. Discuss strategies to ensure integrated, coordinated error messages that are consistent across an application. Choose the one topic covered in Chapter 11 (error messages, non-anthropomorphic design, display design, window design, and color) that creates the biggest challenge to achieving balance between function and fashion. Support your response.   -554- 16.   “Project Constraints” Please respond to the following: Designing software deliverables may require an analysis of historical project experiences within the organization. Explain how past experiences of previous projects within the organization as well as existing project constraints impact and influence the design of software project deliverables. Include an example to support your answer. Analyze how a constrained solution box may help end users and upper management understand the limits of requirements, resources, and the schedule of a project. 17.   Estimation Techniques” Please respond to the following: There are various methods that may be used to determine activity estimates with respect to resources, costs, and durations. Choose at least three estimation techniques that may be used for determining activity estimates for an IT project. Describe the pros and cons of each. Determine the most efficient estimation technique for an IT project; include an example or scenario to support your response. Describe the accuracy level and the risk level of effort and the activities associated with each estimation technique you chose in Part 1 of this discussion. Determine the technique that would be efficient for the following:  Estimating a source code based project  Systems development project  High-risk software project 18.   “Measure and Control” Please respond to the following: Measuring and controlling project deliverables is essential to validating work performed within a project. Evaluate how project status reports are useful for measuring and controlling resource efforts, project schedules, project costs, and project features of a software project deliverable. Identify additional attributes of a software project that may be important to measure and control. Describe why they are important and how these attributes might be used to measure and control. 19.   “Software Defects” Please respond to the following: Measuring and analyzing software defects is critical for software and system development. Describe the relationship between defect detection and rolling-wave adjustments. Determine the measures that may be performed to minimize the activities associated with rolling-wave planning. Examine the factors that determine the availability of a system. Compare these factors and describe how they are interrelated. Suggest the tests that may be performed to determine these factors. 20.   “Earned Value” Please respond to the following: Earned value reporting allows project managers to measure and track actual versus planned costs, schedule, and work. Present the factors, metrics, and formulas that may be used to determine earned value. Analyze how earned value may be used to determine if a project is on time or within budget. Provide a real-world example, including the formula calculations, to support your response. 21.   “Project Control Panel” Please respond to the following: A project control panel may be used to provide a summarized status of a project. Examine the various metrics, project attributes, and project control factors that a project control panel may display. Describe how various sections of a project control panel may serve as a communication tool for project stakeholders. Describe how you may use the project control panel to communicate with different project stakeholders. Include an example to support your response.