1: Disaster Recovery (DR) Lessons Learned: September 11th  Read the article titled “9/11: Top lessons learned for disaster recovery,” from Computerworld.com, located at http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9219867/9_11_Top_lessons_learned_for_disaster_recovery, and consider the effects the attacks of September 11, 2001, have had on technology recovery efforts. Write a two page paper in which you: Explain how the attacks affected risk management in organizations and have prompted an increased justification for recovery-based objectives, initiatives, and expenditures. Analyze the use of social media and other current methods of communication for emergency notifications during an incident or disaster situation. Determine whether or not organizations need to consider distanced geographic locations when preparing for backup operations / data centers, and determine the effects that recovery point objectives (RPO) and recovery time objectives (RTO) have on these decisions. Evaluate the use of cloud services as tools for recovery operations within an organization, and explain how they could increase or decrease the effectiveness of recovery operations.  Determine whether or not cloud services are ideal recovery options for organizations regardless of their size. Provide a rationale to support the answer. Use at least four (4) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.  Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Explain risk management in the context of information security. Summarize the various types of disasters, response and recovery methods. Compare and contrast the methods of disaster recovery and business continuity. Explain and develop a business continuity plan to address unforeseen incidents. Develop techniques for different disaster scenarios.  Use technology and information resources to research issues in disaster recovery. Write clearly and concisely about disaster recovery topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions. Write clearly and concisely about disaster recovery topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions. ———————————————————————————- 2:  Incident Response (IR) Strategic Decisions Suppose that you have been alerted of a potential incident involving a suspected worm spreading via buffer overflow techniques, compromising Microsoft IIS Web servers. As the IR Team leader, it is your responsibility to determine the next steps. Write a two page paper in which you: Explain in detail the initial steps that would need to be made by you and the IR team in order to respond to this potential incident. Construct a process-flow diagram that illustrates the process of determining the incident containment strategy that would be used in this scenario, and identify which containment strategy would be appropriate in this case, through the use of graphical tools in Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length. Construct a process flow diagram to illustrate the process(es) for determining if / when notification of the incident should be relayed to upper management, and explain how those communications should be structured and relayed through the use of graphical tools in Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length. Detail the incident recovery processes for the resolution of this incident. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.  The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Summarize the various types of disasters, response and recovery methods. Develop techniques for different disaster scenarios.  Use technology and information resources to research issues in disaster recovery. Write clearly and concisely about disaster recovery topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions. ———————————————————————————— 3: Analysis on Food Security The members of the United Nations found great value in the analysis you provided on the effects of global warming that result from population growth. They are now asking you write an additional analysis to include further issues related to population growth. Here is the issue they have asked you to consider: The member states of the United Nations seek to build food systems that can provide global food security which will feed everyone, everywhere, every day by improving food quality though the promotion of effective and nutritional agricultural practices. The crucial issue is not the lack of food in the world but the access to that food. In many developing countries, food shortages are due to governmental control over food distribution. These governments maintain control of the population and their power by limiting access to nutritious food to certain groups. In this practice, they thereby “weaponize” food.  Your second project as a consultant for the United Nations is to develop an analysis that addresses three issues related to global food insecurity caused by global population growth and poverty, and to explore these issues in a developing country of your choosing.  The UN has given you the following guidelines. Content The UN has asked that your paper contain three sections. Each section should be approximately 300 words in length and answer specific questions, identified in the outline below. It also asks that you use examples from your developing country when answering the questions.  Introduction Provide an introduction of half a page minimum that addresses points a-e below. Explains the problem the UN has asked you to address in your own words; Identifies the three sections your paper will cover; Identifies the developing country you will consider; Tells the UN the causes of food insecurity; and Provides a one-sentence statement of your solutions at the end of your introduction paragraph. Section I. Background What is food insecurity? What role does population growth play in food security? Section II. Technologies That Can Reduce Hunger and Improve Food Security What forms of technology can be used to reduce hunger and improve food security? How would these technological solutions work? What causes of food insecurity do these technologies address? Section III. Specific Factors in Chosen Developing Country Considering the causes of food insecurity, what factors interrupt the flow of food from the source to the people in the developing country you selected?              Conclusion Provide a conclusion of half a page minimum that includes a summary of your findings that the United Nations can use to inform future policy decisions. Success Tips In answering each question, use examples from your developing country to illustrate your points.  The UN needs facts and objective analysis on which to base future policy decisions; avoid personal opinion and make sure your answers are based on information you find through research.  Formatting Requirements Make sure your paper consists of four to six pages of content (or 1,200 words minimum, not including the cover or reference pages). Create headings for each section of your paper as follows:  Section I. Background Section II. Technologies That Can Reduce Hunger and Improve Food Security Section III. Specific Factors in Chosen Developing Country Use and cite at least five credible sources in your research. A list of potential resources is available below. Potential Sources Peter Timmer. May/June 2015. Food Security and Scarcity: Why Ending Hunger Is So Hard. Foreign Affairs. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/reviews/capsule-review/food-security-and-scarcity-why-ending-hunger-so-hard The United Nations Population Division. 2017. World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision. https://www.un.org/development/desa/publications/world-population-prospects-the-2017-revision.html Will Martin. November 5, 2010. Food Security and Poverty: A Precarious Balance. Let’s Talk Development blog by The World Bank. http://blogs.worldbank.org/developmenttalk/food-security-and-poverty-a-precarious-balance The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows: Propose a plan to address the issue of global food security in underdeveloped countries that considers the impact of prior solutions.