There are two discussions here that need to be responded to thoroughly. Responses must be on APA format 150+words 1-2 legitimate verifiable sources per response. CIS554 discussion 1 post responses. Respond to the colleagues posts regarding: “Disciplines” Please respond to the following: • The software development process framework may be adapted to the specific needs of a project as illustrated in Figure 2.1b in Chapter 2 of the text. Categorize the development phases that exist within the system engineering and software development disciplines of the development process framework.  • Describe the similarities that exist among the phases of system engineering and software development. Explain how phases under each discipline complement one another to provide an efficient solution. Determine which discipline would be optimal for Web development, cloud computing, and security systems. Support your answer with a specific rationale or illustration. DT’s post states the following: “Disciplines” Please respond to the following: • The software development process framework may be adapted to the specific needs of a project as illustrated in Figure 2.1b in Chapter 2 of the text. Categorize the development phases that exist within the system engineering and software development disciplines of the development process framework. According to Chapter 2 of our text, a development phase is defined as a set of related work activities that produce one or more work products. So, the development phases that exist within the system engineering and software development disciplines of the development process framework includes: Develop System Architecture, Develop System Requirements, and Develop Software Architecture. Describe the similarities that exist among the phases of system engineering and software development. Explain how phases under each discipline complement one another to provide an efficient solution. Determine which discipline would be optimal for Web development, cloud computing, and security systems. Support your answer with a specific rationale or illustration. Some similarities that exist among the phases of system engineering and software development are (1) Allocate and Refine Software Requirements, (2) System Verification, and, (3) System Validation. Depending on the development process being used, these phases can be interleaved, overlapped, and iterated. Each activity under each discipline all work together in assisting the project manager to plan and estimate, measure and control, communicate, coordinate, and lead and also to manage risks within a project. Since Web development and security systems are all software based designs, I think activities within the software development discipline would be more optimal since there would be no hardware requirements to focus on for these two.  But with cloud computing, server sizes and other hardware requirements would come into play.  Therefore the system engineering discipline would be better suited for this type projects. CIS554 discussion 2 post responses. Respond to the colleagues posts regarding: “Software Development Process Model” Please respond to the following: • The needs for software development along with the organization’s business objectives influence the required software development process model for a project. Review the various traditional and iterative software development process models. Compare and contrast the planning and control mechanisms required by one traditional software development process model with one iterative development process model. • Differentiate between traditional and iterative software process models with respect to project activities and customer interaction. Present example(s) to support your answer. AJ’s post states the following: • The needs for software development along with the organization’s business objectives influence the required software development process model for a project. Review the various traditional and iterative software development process models. Compare and contrast the planning and control mechanisms required by one traditional software development process model with one iterative development process model. Most projects that are executed use either one of two methodologies which are waterfall/ traditional or agile. A waterfall/ traditional approach to a project is a linear framework as for an Agile approach focuses on iterative steps or phases. With regards to planning and control mechanisms used in each method there are some comparisons and differences. A clear comparison between waterfall and agile is the notion that a planning phase is needed, how control mechanisms are used to determine progress as well as depict variances from established baselines. Specific to planning the project manager needs dedicated time to plan out the project using waterfall or agile. Mechanisms used are but not limited to milestone reviews, verification & validation. As for control mechanisms, there are clear indications that a project manager may use different techniques between a project using waterfall versus agile. For example, in the waterfall approach the project manager uses a change control board (CCB). The CCB is a simplistic 4 step process on how changes are managed: first a change must be defined, second submit and review the change request, third is define options and create a response and lastly a final decision will be made to either implement the change or not. If you think about a software product being developed each time a change is deemed necessary, a change request must follow these steps or the steps the project manager and change committee have put in place. Now if a project manager wanted to use control mechanisms within the agile approach to project management a CCB would not be used but version control. Version control is a software configuration management tool used to manage all changes to a software being developed. The best example I can give is, a milestone was reached and version 1.0 of the software product completed. Using version control, version 1.0 can now be used as a baseline or foundation to continue enhancing the software product. At the end of each phase or step in further developing the software product a new version control (baseline) is established. This allows the project team and project manager to continually control how each iteration of the software is being developed. • Differentiate between traditional and iterative software process models with respect to project activities and customer interaction. Present example(s) to support your answer. With respect to project activities and customer interaction they are completely different if a project was to be completed with a traditional method versus an agile/ iterative software process. Reason being, traditional is a linear approach and agile/iterative is a repetitive approach. If I used a traditional approach the project activities would be ironed out in the planning phase and refined within the executing phase of the project. Planning is very critical in a traditional approach as the project manager should understand the entire project at this point. Whereas in an iterative approach the project activities are very high level, not broken down to low level tasks. This is because an iterative approach is flexible enough to understand that software product processes need to be adaptive because requirements are always changing. Customer interaction using a traditional approach is usually allowed during the initiation and planning phase of a project. This is when the project manager is usually understanding the customer needs, wants and requirements of the software product/ final product. Once this is complete the customer has limited influence on the project. This is mostly because if customers are engaged in executing the scope of the project would begin to change (scope creep).  Customer interaction in an iterative approach is completely different. Customer interaction is embraced throughout the entire project. Reason being iterative projects don’t’ have a defined scope and requirements are expected to change. This ever-changing environment is meant to foster innovation and adaptability.   Fairley. R. E. (2009). Managing and Leading Software Projects. Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr. DOI: 10.1002/9780470405697