Research post topic and submit 260 word post on the given topic, indicate at least two source or reference in your original post. This assignment is to be scholarly; it is not enough for you to simply post your article and add cursory reviews. CITED REFERENCES ARE REQUIRED. Also create replies for given 3 posts, each reply should be separate (with separate REFERENCES but not necessarily different references) and should be 260 words without references. Include at least 260 words in your posting and at least 260 words in your reply excluding references. Post Topic: Search “”. Discuss the issues organization’s face with regards to the protection of its customer information. How might an organization notify its users that all communications are being monitored and preserved? How will end users typically respond to such announcements?  Reply to following posts with at least 260 words and at least 1 cited reference Post 1: It is commonplace for relationship to mean their clients’ information and store it in their databases. This presentation productively goes with a cost. The affiliations have an accreditation to ceaselessly ensure the data regardless. Despite the way wherein that affiliations guarantee that they will ensure their clients’ information, from time to time they ejection to do everything considered (Karjoth, Scunter, and Waidner, 2003).  Most affiliations face issues for dispatch to ensure their clients’ data. Take the occasion of a condition where the information is stolen by aggressors. The clients’ dashed to courts referencing pay. In different cases, affiliations are charged for mishandling unequivocal information. This is finished by offering clients’ information to untouchables or utilizing the information for showing up. A bit of the time they boorishness to watch introduction necessities.  It other than happens that a couple of firms wreck information incredibly or let unapproved staff get to it. The certain discussion thing is that the partnership gobbles up millions endeavoring to recover the information. Poor treatment of customers’ information prompts a terrible notoriety. Firms should show their clients at whatever point a break happens (Schwartz and Janger, 2007). Affiliations have a business of asking their customers that they do collect, screen and store their information. This ought to be possible by obliging it in zones where customers are required to demonstrate their information. They can correspondingly send a notice to customers uncovering to them what time of data is being assembled and checked. In the event that calls are impacted, clients ought to be asked before they begin giving their subtleties.  On their side, clients can react to this by torment or declining to share their data. They can draw again from affiliations their revultion. In like manner, they can inspect for explanation if there is nonappearance of definition. They can in like way request that affiliations pound their information after the truly constraining terms.  References  Karjoth, G., Scunter, M., and Waidner, M. (2003, June 24). Stage for Enterprise Privacy Practices: Privacy-Enabled Management of Customer Data. Recovered December 4, 2018, from  Schwartz, P. M., and Janger, E. J. (2007). Forewarned of Data Security Breaches 105 Michigan Law Review 2006-2007. Recovered December 4, 2018, from Post 2: In the digital world data being recognised as the one of key and valuable business asset which should get protected by the organizations at any cost to prevent the data breaches and other unfavourable situations? Data breaches in the recent days are drastically increases and creating several issues for the management and also losing the trust of clients and customers when data breaches striking the sensitive data. Hence organizations should take the necessary action against the data breaches and safeguard the sensitive customer data from the unwanted situations (Bansal & Zahedi, 2015). Following are the key challenges and concerns organizations are facing while protecting the customers data and other vital information from the breaches. ·         Large volume of data and information creating the issues ·         Data storage issues ·         Identifying the right technology to store the sensitive customer data ·         Increased data breaches is another cause of concern for the organizations Since most of the large tech professionals believes that security issues are not arises from the increasing technologies but due to the lack of control over the uses of technologies such security issues are arising. Hence there is a need to educate the users on how to use technologies in the organizations and to communicate so that the further issues can be keep under control. There are different ways to notify all the inputs and outputs in the business and how users are responding to the key functions of the business. On the other hands, the end users may respond quickly to the unwanted situations but not all the incidents can be easily monitor and control by the end users. Organizations should educate the users and take the initiative to protect the confidentiality of the customer data (Martin, Borah, & Palmatier, 2017). References Bansal, G., & Zahedi, F. M. (2015). Trust violation and repair: The information privacy perspective. Decision Support Systems, 71, 62-77. Martin, K. D., Borah, A., & Palmatier, R. W. (2017). Data privacy: Effects on customer and firm performance. Journal of Marketing, 81(1), 36-58. Post 3: Issues Growth of Data: Data will be growing faster so organizations have to be keeping protecting the information of customer’s not only personal information but also information which was sensitive should also be protected. Due to the security practices which are poor has been continued and so these have put organizations at risk. PII, this will be identifying the personal information and this was one of the concerns in the privacy of data. Cost of Maintaining Privacy: The breach of data will be having cost in millions. If an organization was breached then they will be facing regular penalties from entities. Organizations will be making investments in the technologies of security nothing but archiving of data. Employee Monitoring Organizations will be regulating the use of the internet or visiting websites by their employees with the help of two different processes. The first one is by restricting access to some links and the next one was by monitoring the actions of employees. There will be different types of monitoring policies and these will be varying from country to country. Sometimes the privacy of employee will become a controversial issue in the HR management. Employers will be having technologies which will be available for the purpose of monitoring. Computer monitoring will be measuring the speed of employee keystroke. They will be also using detective techniques when there will be suspicious activity in the organizations. Response Employee monitoring has been designed for the purpose of overcoming the challenges in the information which was belonging to remote employees. The technologies of employee monitoring will be rolled out in industries and also will be accepted as the norm among the employees. In some industries there will be high technology and also will be having a creative design which will not be as receptive for the technologies that will be used for monitoring of employees. Monitoring will be generating data for management. The data will be depending on management and managers (Veerasamy, 2010). References Boyanov, K. (2011, July). The security aspects of the research activities in IICT-BAS. In 2011 First SysSec Workshop (pp. 100-102). IEEE. Narishima, Y., Kasai, S., Sato, T., Mori, M., & Fujita, A. (2014). Managed Security Services to Address Increasingly Sophisticated Cyber-attacks. Hitachi Review, 63(5), 284. Veerasamy, N., & Grobler, M. (2010). Countermeasures to consider in the combat against cyberterrorism.