response1: As we all know that managing a team can be difficult but there is always an issue but with a good method we can go through the challenge. In this, we have been compiled below are some of the methods most of them can suggest we can take to manage our team, whether it was small or large. In the process of communication, we should have a way to communicate effectively with our team members really that’s the basic. Poor communication creates a malfunctioning of the team that leads to poor performance in which in turn puts productivity at stake. Also conduct an on one session with our team members, daily, weekly or bi-weekly, choose a period that we cannot cancel. The leader should need to set the goal before planning it is crucial if we want to succeed (Wallin & et al, 2015). As the manager, we should set our own individual goals and encourage team members to do the same. By making sure that all individual goals are aligned to the team goals with clear goals we and the team know exactly what we are and not working on. So every team member will be focused on the top priority and we can set these goals monthly or quarterly, and make sure we all adhere to them. As per the delegation, we do not try to be a good person by thinking our team members cannot handle a task and taking it all up all to them. This will wear us out and leave with team members who are not capable of handling tasks (Retsinas & et al, 2018). One way to do this effectively is through an online collaboration platform. A tool we would suggest is them that will ever since we have been started using it with the goals and objectives are met faster in my team. For communicating with your team we need to create chat streams for different functions and also chat individually with our members. Based on the send documents, files, and pictures in which we will be stored automatically in each stream (Menekse & et al, 2017). =========================================================== Response2: A team is a group of people (either similar or different mentality, talented, aged community) but work for a common objective and reach the goals of the organization. The complete work of a project is divided into various teams in the organization such that the organization would complete the project within the time that the clients have assigned to complete. Team boundaries are the limits that every team sets to identify their responsibilities and make the employees happy and productive. By setting clear boundaries, the employees would not have to perform multitasking and complete the tasks that are assigned to them very perfectly (Espinosa,, 2003). The various things that an organization need to look after while setting the boundaries are as follows: Identify the things where the boundaries are necessary: Interact with the employees and know the difficulties that the employees are facing. Define the roles of all the employees exactly such that they would have a clear idea for all the employees to whom to report.  Based on the information received from the employee’s interaction meetings set the boundaries and ask all the employees to follow them. Start asserting them: After all the employees started the points where the boundaries are necessary, schedule the top five of them where the boundaries are necessary and define them (Alberto Espinosa,, 2003). Have employees make schedules: Encourage all the employees to make their own schedules on a daily basis, such that they would complete the work that is assigned to them fastly. There are also many tools such as Toggl which would help to schedule the timings and complete the work as early as possible. Understand that the boundaries will be breached: As the boundaries are set up by someone, there are also chances sometimes we need to cross boundaries to complete the project assigned. The team members need to be collaborative, share their work and complete the project as per the schedules. =========================================================== Response3: We have few kinds of groups that have various sorts of procedures that can help manage the working limits to accomplish the result. For any group to get succeeded, at that point they ought to oversee inside and outside correspondence in this way, the group must adhere to the standards made for correspondence inside the group so much of the time and get the data far from different groups. The gathering stays disconnected from what it got left from the association for haven reasons. Communicate gathering, then again, worries inside until the point arranged to show a remark association. The advertising bunch is certifiably not every day moved gathering yet depends on movement among the affiliation while looking over is held around supporting the customer meaning their cutoff points are set by the arrangements and enthusiasm of the customers. Group in the style environment that doesn’t persistently get just as trade of the information with the sources in their huge organization. Self-overseeing cooperation is approved to settle on their own decisions and an ongoing report delineates that approval is associated with the more significant level of self-administration workgroup efficiency, work fulfillment just as the buyers. Authority is a unique procedure that doesn’t singular inside a given circumstance separated from those circumstances Cross-limit joining inside the organizations is the rising prominent methodology for the revisions. Examination on group combination in the organization’s execution offers valuable bits of knowledge that advise the point which is identified with the joining of cross-limit. People looking to unite the information across limits face syntactic, semantic just as functional limits. The not too bad assortment is one of the essential characteristics with respect to virtual gatherings, as usually, the people of the gathering are from different territories and are having at the present time, there is a high different assortment in a gathering, by then this can make a problem area for stereotyping, conflicts between the people, correspondence limits. In order to go up against the differences between the people from a gathering, it is basic to develop a culture for the gathering, to make trust and consistent associations; more than that, if possible, it is a favored situation to ensure at any rate a very close assembling, right now more grounded security between the people from the dynamic structure is another key quality of a virtual gathering and it shows the degree of progress or then again the turnover of the people and moreover the movements that may occur concerning the employments of the people and the associations among them. It is basic to have a gathering society, regardless, the nonattendance of shared history can raise hell in distributing commitments, organizing bunch improvement and discovering authority. Regardless, all of these troubles can be endured if, inside the gathering trust, corresponding associations and obligations between the people are made.